Create Your Survey

Once you have completed the previous steps, continue setting up Survey in Fusion Service, by creating a survey using your third-party survey supplier. Your survey is created, maintained, and sent by that supplier. To create your survey, refer to your supplier's documentation.

Follow the steps in your supplier's documentation for Summary, Design, Preview and Score, and Collect Responses. Optionally, follow the steps for Analyze and Present Results.

Note: If you're using SurveyMonkey as your supplier, Create a Collector and Create a Message are required steps. When you create a Collector, remember that Fusion Service only supports an email channel for collecting survey responses.

Service Request Attributes Used in Templates

If you're using SRs as your survey object, you can use any SR attribute as a part of your survey's email template.

For SR's add attributes to your template by adding the attribute inside double brackets.

Here's a sample email template using the two most common SR attributes from Fusion Service.

Hi {{PrimaryContactPartyName}},

We're conducting a survey and your input is appreciated. Click the button below to start the survey. Your SR: {{SrNumber}}

You can get the SR attribute values from the API Name in Application Composer or from REST API.

Most predefined SR fields are already mapped. Here's how you can see the previously mapped fields:

For this case, we will continue using SurveyMonkey as the example.

  1. Log in to Oracle Integration.

  2. Search for SurveyMonkey Survey Request Job.

  3. Select the job.

  4. Find the Map to TestQualifySR in the flow.

    Note: The icon next to Map to TestQualifySR is actually the link to the Decision Model in Process Cloud.
  5. Click Map to TestQualifySR and click Edit.

The mapping appears.

Attributes that have a line mapping from the $CurrentSR source are pre-mapped. You can add those attributes to your template by framing them with double brackets as shown in the sample.

To use attributes in your template that aren't pre-mapped, or a non-predefined field that you have created, follow the steps in the Create Mappings topic.