Define Notifications for Custom Objects

The Notification Preferences page lets you define notifications not only for standard objects, but for custom objects too. First, use Application Composer to create triggers on the relevant custom objects for which you want to initiate user notifications. Then, use the Notification Preferences page to specify the recipients and delivery channels for these custom objects.

Here's how you set up notifications for custom objects:

  1. Sign in to the application as a setup or administrator user.

  2. Click Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.

  3. Create a sandbox or select an existing one, and click Enter Sandbox to activate the sandbox. Your sandbox is activated, and you can see its name on the sandbox bar over the global header.

  4. Publish the selected sandbox.
  5. In the Navigator, click Application Composer. The Application Composer page is displayed.

  6. Select Objects > Custom Objects.

  7. Select an existing custom object or create a new custom object with default fields and pages.

    For more information on working with custom objects and tags, see Add Objects and Fields in the Configuring Applications Using Application Composer guide.

  8. On the Object Overview page, click Manage Tags.

    The Object Tags window is displayed.

  9. Select the Notifications check box and click Ok.
  10. Navigate to Server Scripts for the selected custom object.

    The Server Scripts page for the selected custom object is displayed.

  11. Click the Triggers tab, and create a new trigger.

  12. Click Navigator > Tools > Notification Preferences.

    The Notification Preferences page is displayed, where you can configure your notification preferences for the selected custom object.
    1. From the Object drop-down list, select the custom object.

    2. Select the custom object triggering event, and specify the notification recipients and delivery options.
    3. Click Save.