How You Set Up Social Channels

Using the social channel you can serve customers faster by reaching them where and when they engage with you on social networks. With the social channel you can create service requests (SRs) from social network posts, provide customer service through the social network, and

To use the social channel, you have to integrate Fusion Service with a platform that manages your social network posts, such as Oracle Social Cloud, using Oracle Integration Cloud. Once that integration is set up, you can then set up the social channel for SRs.

As an administrator, you can configure the social channel in the service application to enable your users to create SRs based on social network posts. Social posts from the third-party social relationship management software are added as SRs in the service application and are assigned to agents.

Here's a brief overview of the steps required to set up social channels in the service application.

  1. Create social channels for SRs in the service application.

  2. Integrate Fusion Service with Social Cloud.

    See "Integrate Social Channels" for information about creating an integration user, importing the integration package, creating connections, and activating the integrations for the social channel.