Manage Outcomes and Resolutions

The Manage Service Request Outcomes and Resolutions tasks are used when administrators want to create new outcomes, resolutions, and map resolutions to outcomes.

Follow these steps to configure Outcomes and Resolutions, and map them:

Step 1: Configure Outcomes

To add an outcome:

  1. Sign in to the application as an administrator.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Service Request

    • Task: Manage Service Request Outcomes and Resolutions.

  3. In the Manage Service Request Outcomes and Resolutions page, select the Outcome tab.

  4. Click the Add icon to add a new outcome.

  5. In the new row that displays, enter the fields such as lookup code, display sequence, meaning, description, and so on to correspond to your needs.

    Note: Oracle recommends that you name the outcome lookup code starting with SVC_ to differentiate between customer-created outcomes and ready-to-use outcomes.
  6. Click Save and Continue.

If you have selected the Enabled check-box, the outcome is added to the Outcomes list under the Map Resolutions to Outcomes section, else the new outcome is only listed in the Outcomes list.

Step 2: Configure Resolutions.

Administrators can configure new resolutions in the Manage Service Request Outcomes and Resolutions task.

To add resolutions:

  1. In the Manage Service Request Outcomes and Resolutions task page, select the Resolution tab.

  2. Click the Add icon to add a new resolution.

  3. In the new row that displays, enter the fields such as lookup code, display sequence, meaning, description, and so on to correspond to your needs.

  4. Click Save and Continue.

If you have selected the Enabled check-box, The resolution is added to the Available Resolutions list under the Map Resolutions to Outcomes section.

Step 3: Map Outcomes to Resolutions.

Administrators can map the outcomes to the available resolutions in the Map Resolutions to Outcomes section in the page.

To manage the outcomes and resolutions:

  1. In the Map Resolutions to Outcomes section, do the following to map the outcomes to resolutions.

    • Select an outcome in the Outcomes list.

    • Select the resolutions from Available Resolutions list and move them to the Selected Resolutions list.

    • To remove an existing mapping, select the resolutions from the Selected Resolutions list and move them to the Available Resolutions list.

  2. Click Save and Close.

    The outcomes are now mapped to the resolutions.

Once the outcomes and resolutions have been configured, these appear in the Resolve Service Request dialog box in the Outcome and Resolution Code list, and the user can enter simple and consistent resolution information about the SR.