Manage Survey Objects

In this chapter, we use service requests as the object used for the Survey Framework feature. You can use different objects for surveys.

If you're also using the service request object, there's no need to follow these steps. Otherwise, here's how you add survey objects.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Feature: Surveys

    • Task: Manage Survey Objects

  2. In the Lookup Codes section, click the Add icon.

  3. In the Lookup Code field, enter a lookup code for the object. The predefined object is service requests. If you're using a different object, enter something like CUST_SVC_ACCOUNT.

  4. Enter the name of the object in the Meaning field. For example, Service Request.

  5. Enter a description in the Description field. For example, The lookup value for the Service Request.

    This object is used later when you create a survey template using the Manage Survey Templates task.

  6. Click Save and Close.