Manage Work Order Integration Messages

Preconfigured integration messages tell users about integration status, warnings, or errors specific to synchronized records with other applications.

You can manage preconfigured integration messages and add new integration messages. For example, you can change the text of an error message to include a contact number for your internal help desk.

Manage Preconfigured Integration Messages

To manage integration messages:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Work Order

    • Task: Manage Integration Messages

    Note: If you disable a message, the message no longer appears in the Detail Work Order page.

Add Integration Messages

Using Message Codes

There are two ways you can update the record using the message code:

  • Using Oracle Integration Cloud Prebuilt Task flow

    You can use integration flows in Oracle Integration Cloud to set the message code on the work order.

    For example, to add a new message saying the activity was successfully created: Create a message, then update the field WO_INTEGRATION_MSG_CD on the work order record in the OIC prebuilt flow.

  • Using Object Workflow

    You can also use Object Workflow on a create or update. Set the message to a specific message code there.

    For example, to add a new message saying the activity was successfully created: Create a message, then update the field FS_ACTIVITY_ID on the work order record in the OIC prebuilt flow.

To add an integration message:

  1. Click the Add icon in the Manage Integration Messages window.

    Notice the Message Category type for the new message is Customer-defined.

  2. Enter the title, type of message (error, information, or warning), the text for the message, and the message code.

  3. Select Enable to enable your new message.

  4. Add more messages as necessary.

  5. Click Save and Close.