Modify Channel Type Visibility

Customer administrators can disable channels that should not be displayed in the application when an agent composes a message of type customer entry or response.

  1. Sign in to your Fusion application as a setup user or administrator.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Tasks panel tab.

  3. Search for and click the Manage Service Request Channel Type Visibility task.

  4. On the Manage Service Request Channel Type Visibility page, if you don't see the channels you want to disable, click Sync on the toolbar of the table.

  5. For any channel that you select, you see two rows with different values for Property Name:

    • Enabled for Collaboration: To enable the selected channel to collaborate with subject matter experts to resolve customer issues, set the Property Value for this property name to Yes.

    • Enabled for Customer Interaction: To enable using the selected channel for interaction of your service agents with your customers, set the Property Value for this property name to Yes.

    Note: You can also use the drop-down list in the toolbar for the Property Name field to filter the list by each property name.
  6. Set the Property Value to No to disable the selected channel.

    • For messages of type Customer Entry and Response:

      • SMS and Slack channels are disabled by default because they aren't supported for customer communications. You can enable or disable the other channels.

      • Although the Social channel is disabled by default, Social channels are visible to agents if the SR is created for a social post using the social channel integration. For other SRs, the Social channels are disabled. Oracle recommends that you keep this channel disabled.

    • For messages of type Forward, only the Email and Slack channels, and custom channel types created by the customer are supported. You have the option to disable the channel types that you want to hide for Forward. For example, if you don't use Slack in your organization, you can disable Slack.

  7. Click Save and Close.

    The disabled channels aren't displayed when an agent composes a message.