openFloatingToolbar Method

The toolbar calls this optional method to programmatically open an additional toolbar.

The parameters for this method are listed in the following table. The method has no return value.




Indicates the type of toolbar. Possible values are: MAIN_HORIZONTAL, FLOAT_VERTICAL, or NOTIFICATION. For the floating toolbar, set this value to FLOAT_VERTICAL.


The URL of the page opened in the iFrame of the floating toolbar. If this value is null, Fusion Service attempts to locate the URL in the configuration.


The initial height of the additional toolbar.

Note: Height is limited to 470 pixels if you configure within the Functional Setup Manager UI. You can increase the height beyond the default by passing the desired value as a parameter in this API.


The initial width of the additional toolbar

Note: Width is limited to 470 pixels if you configure within the Functional Setup Manager UI. You can increase the width beyond the default by passing the desired value as a parameter in this API.


An object containing information about incoming events for the floating dialog box. The inData object has attributes with the names of system or user-defined tokens.


Method callback to inform the caller toolbar of the results.


The location of the toolbar in user page. The toolbar can be opened in the following locations: top left, top right, center, bottom left and bottom right. The valid parameter values are: TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, CENTER, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT. If location is null or any value other than the above ones, the default toolbar location, BOTTOM_RIGHT, is used.


If the close icon (X) in the top right position of the toolbar is visible. If the parameter is of null or any value other than false, the default value True is used.

The following table shows a list of member attributes of the response object. The object has no return value.

Member Attribute



The server side running status. Result values are success or error.


Contains error message if the result value is an error. If not, then the value is undefined. For more information about error message codes, see Error Messages.

Here's sample code to call the openFloatingToolbar method

svcMcaTlb.api.openFloatingToolbar("FLOAT_VERTICAL", vToolbarUrl, 470, 470, {"showAgents":"true", "eventId":self.eventUuid,   'phoneLineId':self.phoneLineId}, function(response)
{         console.log(response); }

, 'CENTER', false);