In what order are requests are assigned?

Here's how service requests (SRs) in an automatic queue are assigned to agents.

The application calculates the priority of SRs based on severity and waiting time. SRs with the highest severity are assigned first. If there are multiple SRs with the same severity, SRs that have been in the queue for the longest time are assigned first.

Note: It's possible that you may see exceptions to this rule when you're testing with a small number of agents. That's because the application is designed to work with millions of SRs and thousands of agents per day. And to do that, it has massive parallel processing power.

There are multiple servers in your production environment. Each server tries to assign SRs , competing with other servers to assign all the work among all available agents. SRs are assigned on multiple servers in parallel, otherwise the assignment tends to lag behind the incoming work.

Suppose your production environment has 15 servers. The application would act as if it's assigning SRs in batches of 15. The SRs from 1 to 15 would be assigned before the SRs 16 to 30. But the order within each batch isn't guaranteed. The first server that finds an available agent makes the assignment.