outboundCommError Method

The toolbar calls this method to notify Fusion Service that an error occurred during initiation of the outbound event. The error occurs if the identifier of the event, such as phone number, or email can't be used to establish a connection.

Here's the parameters for this method:




Name of the channel for which the method is called.


A unique identifier sent from Fusion Service to the toolbar containing the outgoing event notification.


Code to identify the exception that can be used by the agent to identify the nature of the error to contact toolbar support.


Error message displayed to the user.


Function used by Fusion Service on the toolbar which indicates receipt of an Fusion Service event.


The type of channel for which the method is being called. For instance, if the channel is PHONE and the channelType isn't provided, the default value is set to ORA_SVC_PHONE. For more information, see Channel Type Data.

The response object has the following member attributes. There are no returns.




Represents the status of the method on the server side. Values are success and error.


Contains error messages. If there's no error, the value is undefined. For more information about error message codes, see Error Messages.

Here's sample code to call the method:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://domain:port/ora_support/js/mcaInteractionV1.js"> 
<script type="text/javascript">
function onTestError() {
      svcMca.tlb.api.outboundCommError('PHONE','123456789', '233', 'Could not establish connection, bad number!', function (response) {
        alert('Error message delivered, status: '+response.result);
<input type="button" value="Register data update listener" onclick="onTestError()"/>