Prerequisites for Survey Integration Using SurveyMonkey

Throughout this chapter, we used SurveyMonkey as the example for the third-party survey supplier. If you're using SurveyMonkey, you must follow these steps prior to using the Survey Integration Framework with SurveyMonkey.

Create a paid SurveyMonkey account and create a Private App

You can create a free account and then upgrade to a paid plan, or upgrade your existing free account.

  1. Go to and create an account.

  2. Log in to SurveyMonkey.

  3. Go to My Apps and create a new Private App.

  4. Review the credentials and select the scope items used in your scenario. You can change this at any time.

Check your current API call limits

SurveyMonkey imposes a daily limit on the number of API calls. Therefore, there is a limit to the number of surveys you can send in a day. SurveyMonkey's documentation explains API call maximums. You must license your SurveyMonkey account appropriately for all connections over their defined limits, so make sure you have purchased enough API calls.

Note: SurveyMonkey monitors your API calls and if you exceed your limit, you're notified through email to upgrade your plan.

To check your API call limits:

  1. Log in to SurveyMonkey.

  2. Find your App and click the App name.

  3. Click the Overview tab to see your API limits.

  4. To adjust your API call limits, send an email to: