Send Internal Note

This is sample code to trigger a notification to be sent to a recipient when an new SR message of type Internal Note is created.

You can copy and paste this sample code in Application Composer > Objects > Standard Objects > Service Request > Message > Server Scripts.
/* DISCLAIMER: This trigger is provided only as a reference.
*  TRIGGER TYPE: Before Insert to Database
*  OBJECT: Message (child of Service Request)
*  Use Case: Send an internal notification to the user when an SR message is created. 

if(MessageTypeCd == 'ORA_SVC_INTERNAL_NOTE')
  def map = new HashMap();
  map.put("Channels",["ORA_SVC_BELL", "ORA_SVC_EMAIL"]);
  map.put("MessageText","Internal Note message");
  map.put("RecipientPartyId", ServiceRequest?.AssigneeResourceId);
  map.put("ObjectCode", 'ServiceRequestVO');
  map.put("ObjectId", SrId);
  adf.util.sendNotification(adf, map);
  catch (e) {
        throw new oracle.jbo.ValidationException('Failure: ' +