How do I set queue assignment rules?

You can create assignment rules by using rule sets, rules, conditions, and actions.

The assignment engine uses your rules to evaluate and recommend candidate assignments for specified work objects. For example, you can assign all service requests (SRs) with a certain product code to one queue, or you can assign an SR to a critical queue if the severity of the SR is high.

You can also create assignment rules to assign real-time work items such as chat notifications, to queues. Both real-time work items and non-real-time work items can be assigned to the same queue.

Note: A particular work item can be assigned only to a single queue. So it's good to be careful while defining rules. You can't define different rules that assign the same work item to different queues.

To create a service assignment rule:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Communication Channels

    • Task: Manage Service Assignment Rules

  2. On the Manage Service Assignment Rules page, select from the Category drop-down list:

    • Service Request Queuing Rules for SRs

    • Generic Queuing Rules for chat

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Create a rule set by clicking the Plus icon and specifying the required values.

    • Select an existing rule set.

  4. Create a rule within the rule set by completing the following steps:

    1. Click the Plus icon in the Rule set: Rules region.

    2. On the Create Rule page, specify a rule name.

    3. (Optional) Specify a description, an effective start date, and an end date for the rule.

      If you don't select an effective start date and end date, the rule comes into immediate effect and lasts indefinitely.

    4. (Optional) Select the Inactive option if you want to enable the rule at a later date.

    Note: You can create multiple rules within a rule set.
  5. Specify an assignment condition as described later in this topic, in the "Specify a Condition and an Action" section.

    This assignment condition is evaluated before a rule-based assignment is made.

  6. Select a queue to which an SR is assigned if the condition is met.

Specify a Condition and an Action

After specifying the rule details, specify one or more conditions and select a queue to which the SR is assigned, if the condition is satisfied. When the specified condition is satisfied, the SR is assigned to a queue. For example: If the severity of the SR is equal to High, assign the SR to the Critical_Queue.

To specify a condition and an action:

  1. Select an option from the Rule Applies If drop-down list.

    You can choose to perform the action if all of the conditions are met or if one of the conditions is met.

  2. Click the Plus icon to add a condition.

    Note: If you don't add a condition, all your work items are assigned to the queue that you add in step 4.
  3. Select the object, an attribute, an operator for the condition, and a value.

    For example, Service Request is the object, Severity is the attribute of the object, Equals is the condition, and High is the value. Hence, the condition is If Service Request Severity is equal to High. To create a rule for chat, select Any from the Object drop-down list.

  4. Add an action to be performed when the condition is satisfied. Click the Plus icon to select and add a queue.

    Caution: Oracle recommends that you always add an action. If you don't add an action, the assignment engine acts unpredictably and you may face issues in the assignment of work items to queues.
  5. Search for a queue, select the required queue from the list, and click Done to add the queue to the action.

  6. Click Save and Close.