SR Management Scheduled Processes

You can set various profile options and schedule job processes for service request (SR) management.

You must use some of the profile options along with the job processes to achieve the results you want. For example, when you set the profile value for closing a resolved SR after N number of days, also schedule a job process that closes SRs. Run scheduled processes to manipulate a set of records for a specific business need, or to get printable output with information about certain records. Some processes do both, for example, to import records and provide a report about them.

Here's a table that describes the job processes you can schedule to manage SRs. For more information about SR scheduled processes, see the Understanding SR Scheduled Processes guide on Help Center.

Job Process Name


Auto-Close Service Requests

Closes service requests that were resolved a certain number of days ago, and resolves service requests that have been in waiting status for a certain number of days. The number of days for both the scenarios is set using the SVC_SR_IN_RESOLVED_DAYS and SVC_SR_IN_WAITING_DAYS profile options respectively.

Note: When an SR is closed by this job process, the Status field on the SR can be audited.

Purge Deleted Service Requests

Purges service requests and their child records that were deleted a certain number of days ago. The number of days is set using the SVC_SR_IN_DELETED_DAYS profile option.

Purge Inbound Messages

Purges the successfully processed messages from the inbound message database tables, based on the retention days specified in the SVC_INBOUND_MSG_RETENTION_DAYS profile option.

If the SVC_INBOUND_ENABLE_FAILED_MESSAGE_PURGE profile option to set to Yes, this job also purges inbound messages that failed or weren't processed successfully.

Load and Update Cloud Metrics for Service

Performs incremental loading and updating of usage and business metrics that are targeted to cloud usage patterns.

Service Request Queue Assignment

Assigns queues to service requests. This job takes the following parameters:

  • Work Object Code: Indicates business objects that get assigned to agents, such as, service requests.

    Expected Value: ORA_Service_Request_Work_Object

  • Candidate Object Code: Indicates objects that are the possible pool of assignment candidates, such as queues.

    Expected Value: ORA_Queue_Candidate_Object

  • Assignment Mode (List of Values: Classification, Matching, Scoring, Territory): Indicates the type of assignment processing. Matching is the only mode that's supported.

  • View Criteria Name: Indicates the view criteria used to identify the service requests to be assigned.

    Expected Value: OpenSRsUnassignedToQueueByStripeCd

  • Bind Variable: Indicates the bind variables required for the view criteria.

    Expected Value: BindStripeCd=ORA_SVC_CRM

  • Metrics Logging Interval (default value is 100): Indicates the number of work objects in a subprocess before logging assignment metrics, such as update metrics after processing 100 SRs. This is used if your object support Enterprise logging for assignment.

  • Diagnostic Mode (check box): Indicates if the process must be run in diagnostic mode to view the details of assignment processing in an output log.

Note: The preferred way of assigning an SR to a queue is by using Omnichannel assignment.

Service Configuration Setup

Schedules service setup jobs, such as metrics. This job must be run once during implementation. Ensure that you run this job before you create service requests.

Aggregate Service Requests

Enables querying service request data for reporting, using the CRM - CRM Service Request Summary subject area. The recommended frequency for running this job is one hour.

Note: If you need faster data refreshes, increase the frequency. However, this impacts the performance of the transaction system.

Monitor Service Request Milestones

Ensures that the service request and milestone status are up-to-date and sends an email notification if compliance issues or warning flags are found.

Purge Service Event History

Evaluates the processed records and retains the data for the days specified in the profile option SVC_EVENT_HISTORY_DAYS_TO_KEEP, while it purges the rest. The recommended frequency for running this job is daily.

Monitor Action Plan Actions

Evaluates the status of an action plan.

The recommended frequency for running this job is 15 minutes.

Note: If you need faster data refreshes, increase the frequency. However, this impacts the performance of the transaction system.

Execute Incremental Load of Cross-Channel Interaction Data for Reporting

Incrementally loads cross-channel interaction data, for reporting using the CRM - CRM Interaction Aggregate subject area. You must run this job daily to load and update the new data everyday.

Execute Full Load of Cross-Channel Interaction Data for Reporting

Fully loads cross-channel interaction data, or refreshes the data based on a particular date, for reporting using the CRM - CRM Interaction Aggregate subject area. This is an on-demand job. You must run this job in the following scenarios:

  • The first time data is loaded.

  • Any time the data needs to be refreshed from a specific date.

Refresh Service Categories for Reporting

Generates the service category hierarchy and stores it in the SVC_CATEGORIES_CF table in a flattened form for ease of reporting. Service category attributes in all service request subject areas obtain data from this table. This process needs to be scheduled to pick up changes to the service category hierarchies to ensure accurate reporting. The recommended frequency for running this job is 1 hour.

Migrate Service Business Unit Data

Migrates the following business objects from one business unit (BU) to another:

  • Category

  • Channel

  • Milestone Configuration

  • Service Request

Execute Incremental Load of SR Audit Data for Reporting

Incrementally loads service request audit data added since the previous run of the process. Use this job to create business intelligence reports using the Service - CRM Service Request Lifecycle subject area. The recommended frequency for running this job is hourly.

Unlock Scheduled Process that Incrementally Loads SR Audit Data

Removes the process lock created by the Execute Incremental Load of SR Audit Data for Reporting scheduled process, when that process fails to remove its lock automatically.

This process should be run only if the Execute Incremental Load of SR Audit Data for Reporting scheduled process is unable to start, and no other instance of that process is currently running.

Purge Obsolete User Preferences

Removes the user notification preferences data of invalid users, in case the resources leave your company or are no longer active. This scheduled process lets your organization ensure that your data on user notification preferences isn't stale.

Purge Obsolete Notification Followers

Removes inactive and end-dated users from following the service request, so that the application doesn't get overloaded with stale data. This scheduled process lets you evaluate whether a resource is still valid and enabled to follow specific service requests.

Delete Messages from External Email Applications This scheduled process deletes inbound email on the Exchange Server.
Delete Closed Service Requests This scheduled process deletes closed service requests which have been closed for at least the number of days specified by the ORA_SVC_CLOSED_SR_RETENTION_DAYS profile option.