Translate Category Names into Installed Languages

You may want to display the names of categories in the language of your installation.

By default, these names are the same in the base language and in all the installed languages. However, these can be translated so you can provide language-specific category names in all the installed languages in the application.

To translate the category names into all the installed languages:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Service Request

    • Task: Manage Service Request Categories

  2. On the Service Request Categories page, in the Category Name column, select a category.

  3. Click the Translation Editor.

    The Edit Translations window is displayed, showing different rows for the selected category name in the base language and the installed languages.

  4. Click the row for the first installed language.

    Note: By default, the category name in all the installed languages is the same as that in the base language.
  5. In the Category Name field, specify the selected category name in the corresponding installed language.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Starting from step 2, repeat all the steps for each category name.