How do I enable productivity tools?

Productivity tools show as features on service request create or edit pages.

The following table lists productivity tools that are available for service requests.

Productivity tool


Profile Option Code


A reusable fragment of text that you can insert in messages and fields


Keyboard Shortcuts

A combination of keyboard keys that can be used to quickly access actions and buttons on the service request pages.


SR Audit

A subtab that displays the history of service requests from the time they're created.

If you use custom roles, you must add the following two privileges to the roles in Security Console for those users to see the SR Audit subtab:


Severity color coding

A way to color code severity levels so the user can quickly see the SR's severity.



A list of knowledge articles to help agents find and use the appropriate details.


Click to Edit

A way to perform inline editing of records, update records without drilling down, maintain an overview of the SR list pages, and simplify SR data entry.


Productivity tools are disabled by default. Here's how you enable them:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance Work area, go to the following:
    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Productivity Tools

    • Task: Manage Global Search Profile Options

  2. Search for the profile option code for the productivity tools that you want to add.

  3. In the Profile Values section for the profile option code, select Yes in the Profile Value drop-down list.

  4. Save the configuration.

Now, you can set up and configure each tool according to your requirements.

Update the Status List Order

The status list on the Summary Details page shows a list of statuses that can be associated to a service request. The order of statuses displayed in the list depends on their assigned ranking. Here's how you update the status ranking:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Service Request

    • Task: Manage Service Request Status Values

  2. Update the Ranking column to position the status in the status list according to your requirements.

  3. Click Save and Close.