How do I change acknowledgment messages for inbound email?

When you receive an email from your customer or an employee to open a service request, an acknowledgment message is sent to them automatically. Based on your company's requirement, you can change the predefined acknowledgment messages provided by the application.

Note: You can't add new tokens to these messages. Only the predefined tokens are used in these messages.
For CRM, the following predefined messages are provided:



To change the acknowledgment messages that you send out to your customers or employees when you receive an inbound email:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Tasks panel tab.

  2. Click Search from the list of displayed tasks.

  3. In the Search window, enter Manage Messages.

  4. Click the Manage Messages task that's displayed.

  5. In the Manage Messages window, in the Message Name field, enter %SVC%ACK%.

  6. From the list of acknowledgment messages displayed, select the message that you want to edit and click Edit.

  7. In the Edit Message window, navigate to the Message Text region.

  8. Edit the Short Text and User Details the way you want.

  9. Click Save.

  10. To translate the changed messages, click Translation Editor.

    The Edit Translations window displays the list of available languages for translating the messages.

    Note: Inbound email can't detect the language. So it always uses the default language for your deployment.
  11. Select a row and click in the Short Text field.

  12. In the Short Text window, edit the message and click OK.

  13. Click in the User Details field, edit the text, and click OK.

  14. Select another row and repeat the same steps to edit the messages for all the available languages.

  15. Click OK in the Edit Translations window to save the changes.

  16. Click Save and Close in the Manage Messages window.