Status Codes

When you call any REST resource, the response header returns one of the standard HTTP status codes listed in the following table. These status codes refer to a three-digit number in the response header that indicates the general classification of the response. For example, the codes indicate whether the request was successful (200s), or resulted in a client (400s) or server (500s) error. The 400 and 500 classes of status codes help in troubleshooting bad requests..

The following table describes the possible responses to the HTTP requests.

HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK

The request is executed successfully and the server returns a response body.

201 Created

The POST request is executed successfully and the server creates a new instance of a resource.

204 No Content

The request is executed successfully but the server returns no response body.

400 Bad Request

The request is made with malformed syntax.

403 Forbidden

You do not have authorization to perform this request. You may not have the necessary roles and privileges to use this REST resource.


Access to cloud resources is governed by the US Export Laws and is internally monitored by Oracle Global Trade Compliance (GTC). Make sure that you are compliant with the US Export Laws and that you are accessing the REST resource from a location that Oracle permits to access the associated cloud service. Otherwise, you might continue to get the 403 HTTP status code in the response.
405 Method Not Allowed

The request is made with a method that is not supported by the resource.

406 Not Acceptable

The resource is not capable of generating response entities in the format specified in the Accept header.

415 Not Acceptable

The server refuses to execute a request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.

500 Internal Server Error

The server encounters an unexpected condition, which prevents the server from executing the request.

501 Not Implemented

Indicates that the server doesn't support the method used in the request, and therefore it can't process the request.

503 Service Unavailable

Indicates that the server is unable to complete the request due to a server overload. This condition is usually temporary.

504 Gateway Timeout

The server acts as the gateway and doesn't receive a timely response from the upstream server to complete the request.

For more information on the status codes, see the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) website.