


This method returns a record of clicks on answer results with sentence highlighting which helps you find the section that matches your search query. This method also provides a click-through URI, highlighted document, and action tracking for analytics and billing purposes. All parameters in the Search request are mandatory values.

Example URI

The example URI for this method is as follows:

  • http://<SEARCH_REST_API_HOST>/srt/api/v1/search/answer?priorTransactionId=12345&answerId=16777216&trackClickFlag=true&highlightFlag=true

    The request provides a record of clicks on answer results for the specified transaction ID. The result list appears with sentence highlighting.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
Body ()
The session object which stores the content of a session.
Root Schema : SearchSession
Type: object
Title: SearchSession
Show Source
Nested Schema : CCAInfo
Type: object
Title: CCAInfo
Show Source
Nested Schema : ClientInfo
Type: object
Title: ClientInfo
Show Source
Nested Schema : requestAttributes
Type: array
list of Map Entries
Show Source
Nested Schema : requestHeaders
Type: array
list of Map Entries
Show Source
Nested Schema : requestParameters
Type: array
list of Map Entries
Show Source
Nested Schema : MapEntry
Type: object
Title: MapEntry
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Message
Type: object
Title: Message
Show Source
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The following example shows how to create a record of clicks on answer results with sentence highlighting by submitting a post request on the REST resource using cURL.

cURL Command

curl -X POST "https://<SEARCH_REST_API_HOST>/srt/api/latest/search/answer" -u "<username:password>" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@<FilePath/RequestBody.json>"

Example of Request Body

The following shows an example of the request body in JSON format.

  "session" : "SESSION_VALUE",
  "transactionId" : -470886747,
  "facetPriorTransactionId" : 0,
  "baseURL" : "BASEURL_VALUE",
  "locale" : "LOCALE_VALUE",
  "resultLocales" : "RESULTLOCALES_VALUE",
  "domainGroup" : "DOMAINGROUP_VALUE",
  "navigationApplicationId" : "NAVIGATIONAPPLICATIONID_VALUE",
  "segment" : "SEGMENT_VALUE",
  "querySource" : "QUERYSOURCE_VALUE",
  "uiMode" : "UIMODE_VALUE",
  "requestSource" : "REQUESTSOURCE_VALUE",
  "subject" : "SUBJECT_VALUE",
  "isDeflection" : true,
  "clientInfo" : {
    "agentAddress" : "AGENTADDRESS_VALUE",
    "extSessionId" : "EXTSESSIONID_VALUE",
    "referrer" : "REFERRER_VALUE",
    "cookies" : "COOKIES_VALUE",
    "address" : "ADDRESS_VALUE",
    "host" : "HOST_VALUE",
    "requestHeaders" : [ {
      "key" : "KEY_VALUE",
      "value" : "VALUE_VALUE"
    } ],
    "requestParameters" : [ {
      "key" : "KEY_VALUE",
      "value" : "VALUE_VALUE"
    } ],
    "requestAttributes" : [ {
      "key" : "KEY_VALUE",
      "value" : "VALUE_VALUE"
    } ]

Example of Response Body

The following shows an example of the response body in JSON format.

      "results": [  {  
            "pageNumber": 0,
            "pageMore": 0,
            "pageStart": 0,
            "score": 0.967448890209198,
            "pageSize": 2,
            "unshownResults": 0,
            "totalResults": 2,
            "resultItems":  [ {  
                  "answerId": 16777216,
                  "docId": 25165876,
                  "score": 0.967448890209198,
                     "snippets":  [  {  
                           "text":" Replacing the Keyboard on a LS 1500 ",
                           "level": 0
                        }  ],
                  "textElements":  [  {  
                        "snippets": [  {  
                              "text":" TEXT_VALUE",
                              "level": 0
                  "answerId": 16777217,
                  "docId": 25165872,
                  "score": 0.9649738669395447,
                     "snippets":  [  
                           "text":" TEXT_VALUE",
                           "level": 0
                  "textElements":    [  {  
                        "snippets": [  
                              "text":" TEXT_VALUE",
                              "level": 0
      "facets":  [  
            "desc":"Document Types",
            "count": 2,
            "inEffect": false,
            "incomplete": false,
            "showLink": true,
            "tempSelect": false,
            "children":  [  
                  "count": 2,
                  "inEffect": false,
                  "incomplete": false,
                  "showLink": true,
                  "tempSelect": false,
                  "children": [  ],
            "count": 2,
            "inEffect": false,
            "incomplete": false,
            "showLink": true,
            "tempSelect": false,
            "children": [ {  
                  "count": 2,
                  "inEffect": false,
                  "incomplete": false,
                  "showLink": true,
                  "tempSelect": false,
                  "children": [  ],
            "count": 2,
            "inEffect": false,
            "incomplete": false,
            "showLink": true,
            "tempSelect": false,
            "children":  [  {  
                  "desc":"Vision Catalog",
                  "count": 2,
                  "inEffect": false,
                  "incomplete": false,
                  "showLink": true,
                  "tempSelect": false,
                  "children":  [    ],
      "interactive": false,
   "transactionId": 1,
   "priorTransactionId": 1
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