


This method filters the current set of results based on the specified facet. The faceted navigation helps you narrow the search results within a subset of results. For example, from the results list you can choose to display only the results that are tagged as Articles. The current result set includes the maximum number of results as defined in the Search Configuration.

Example URI

The example URI for this method is as follows:

  • http://<SEARCH_REST_API_HOST>/srt/api/v1/search/navigation?priorTransactionId=12345&facet=CMS-PRODUCT.TENANT.TABLETS

    The request returns a filtered list of search results for the specified facet. The filtering is done based on the specified facet CMS-PRODUCT.TENANT.TABLETS.

  • http:///srt/api/v1/search/navigation?priorTransactionId=12345&facet=CMS-PRODUCT.RN_PRODUCT_1,CMS-PRODUCT.RN_PRODUCT_2&multiFacets=OR

    The request returns a set of pre-filtered search results for the specified products RN_PRODUCT_1 or RN_PRODUCT_2.


Supported Media Types
Query Parameters
  • The facet or category which should be used in narrowing down the search results. The maximum number of facets recommended is 12.
  • Returns all the children of the selected facet and the specified facet remains selected.
  • If the newly added multiFacets parameter is not passed in or the value is not set, then the last facet of the same facet type is used to ensure API backward compatibility.
  • This ID relates to the current result set. This includes the displayed results plus any result up to the max number of results, as defined in the search configuration. If the request is for pagination or navigation, it applies pagination or navigation only to the current result set and doesn't retrieve new results.
Body ()
The session object which stores the content of a session.
Root Schema : SearchSession
Type: object
Title: SearchSession
Show Source
Nested Schema : CCAInfo
Type: object
Title: CCAInfo
Show Source
Nested Schema : ClientInfo
Type: object
Title: ClientInfo
Show Source
Nested Schema : requestAttributes
Type: array
list of Map Entries
Show Source
Nested Schema : requestHeaders
Type: array
list of Map Entries
Show Source
Nested Schema : requestParameters
Type: array
list of Map Entries
Show Source
Nested Schema : MapEntry
Type: object
Title: MapEntry
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : GIML
Type: object
Title: GIML
Show Source
Nested Schema : SearchConstraints
Type: object
Title: SearchConstraints
Show Source
Nested Schema : Query
Type: object
Title: Query
Show Source
Nested Schema : RequestResult
Type: object
Title: RequestResult
Show Source
Nested Schema : Spellchecked
Type: object
Title: Spellchecked
Show Source
Nested Schema : corrections
Type: array
list of SuggestionBO
Show Source
Nested Schema : Correction
Type: object
Title: Correction
Show Source
Nested Schema : suggestions
Type: array
list of SuggestionBO
Show Source
Nested Schema : Suggestion
Type: object
Title: Suggestion
Show Source
Nested Schema : facets
Type: array
To Many Relationship to child facets
Show Source
Nested Schema : results
Type: array
list of textElements
Show Source
Nested Schema : FacetResultNode
Type: object
Title: FacetResultNode
Show Source
Nested Schema : children
Type: array
To Many Relationship to child facets
Show Source
Nested Schema : ComponentResult
Type: object
Title: ComponentResult
Show Source
Nested Schema : resultItems
Type: array
list of textElements
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResultItem
Type: object
Title: ResultItem
Show Source
Nested Schema : relatedIds
Type: array
List of Ids of the answers related to this answer
Show Source
Nested Schema : textElements
Type: array
list of textElements
Show Source
Nested Schema : TextElement
Type: object
Title: TextElement
Show Source
Nested Schema : snippets
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Snippet
Type: object
Title: Snippet
Show Source
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The following example shows how to filter the current set of results based on the specified facet by submitting a post request on the REST resource using cURL.

cURL Command

curl -X POST "https://<SEARCH_REST_API_HOST>/srt/api/latest/search/navigation" -u "<username:password>" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "@<FilePath/RequestBody.json>"

Example of Request Body

The following shows an example of the request body in JSON format.

  "session" : "SESSION_VALUE",
  "transactionId" : -470886747,
  "facetPriorTransactionId" : 0,
  "baseURL" : "BASEURL_VALUE",
  "locale" : "LOCALE_VALUE",
  "resultLocales" : "RESULTLOCALES_VALUE",
  "domainGroup" : "DOMAINGROUP_VALUE",
  "navigationApplicationId" : "NAVIGATIONAPPLICATIONID_VALUE",
  "segment" : "SEGMENT_VALUE",
  "querySource" : "QUERYSOURCE_VALUE",
  "uiMode" : "UIMODE_VALUE",
  "requestSource" : "REQUESTSOURCE_VALUE",
  "subject" : "SUBJECT_VALUE",
  "isDeflection" : true,
  "clientInfo" : {
    "agentAddress" : "AGENTADDRESS_VALUE",
    "extSessionId" : "EXTSESSIONID_VALUE",
    "referrer" : "REFERRER_VALUE",
    "cookies" : "COOKIES_VALUE",
    "address" : "ADDRESS_VALUE",
    "host" : "HOST_VALUE",
    "requestHeaders" : [ {
      "key" : "KEY_VALUE",
      "value" : "VALUE_VALUE"
    } ],
    "requestParameters" : [ {
      "key" : "KEY_VALUE",
      "value" : "VALUE_VALUE"
    } ],
    "requestAttributes" : [ {
      "key" : "KEY_VALUE",
      "value" : "VALUE_VALUE"
    } ]

Example of Response Body

The following shows an example of the response body in JSON format.

  "constraints" : {
    "baseURL" : "BASEURL_VALUE",
    "language" : "LANGUAGE_VALUE",
    "resultLanguages" : "RESULTLANGUAGES_VALUE",
    "domainGroup" : "DOMAINGROUP_VALUE",
    "navigationApplicationId" : "NAVIGATIONAPPLICATIONID_VALUE",
    "segment" : "SEGMENT_VALUE",
    "querySource" : "QUERYSOURCE_VALUE",
    "uiMode" : "UIMODE_VALUE",
    "requestSource" : "REQUESTSOURCE_VALUE",
    "subject" : "SUBJECT_VALUE"
  "results" : {
    "results" : [ {
      "name" : "NAME_VALUE",
      "pageNumber" : 119012499,
      "pageMore" : -1787984382,
      "pageStart" : 1011298310,
      "score" : 0.8950256205517777,
      "pageSize" : -356445925,
      "unshownResults" : -567000158,
      "totalResults" : 964064210,
      "resultItems" : [ {
        "rule" : "RULE_VALUE",
        "type" : "TYPE_VALUE",
        "fileType" : "FILETYPE_VALUE",
        "answerId" : -2113305261,
        "docId" : -1406261280,
        "score" : 0.0,
        "title" : {
          "url" : "URL_VALUE",
          "type" : "HTML",
          "snippets" : [ {
            "text" : "TEXT_VALUE",
            "level" : 1829155447
          } ]
        "link" : "LINK_VALUE",
        "clickThroughLink" : "CLICKTHROUGHLINK_VALUE",
        "similarResponseLink" : "SIMILARRESPONSELINK_VALUE",
        "highlightedLink" : "HIGHLIGHTEDLINK_VALUE",
        "textElements" : [ {
          "url" : "URL_VALUE",
          "type" : "UNSTRUCTURED",
          "snippets" : [ {
            "text" : "TEXT_VALUE",
            "level" : -1117285219
          } ]
        } ]
      } ]
    } ]
  "session" : "SESSION_VALUE",
  "transactionId" : -1551467838,
  "priorTransactionId" : 28680311
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