Preferred Locales for Users

Knowledge supports multiple locales, and articles can be published in a single locale, or be translated into multiple locales. For example, an article might be available in English United States (en-US), English Canada (en-CA), and French Canada (fr-CA) locales.

Knowledge users can set a preferred knowledge locale so that they can easily access knowledge in the language that contains the most useful content for them. They can set and change their locale preference at any time. In addition, administrators can set a default preferred locale so that users who don't set their own preferred locale will see knowledge in that language.

If a user doesn't set a preferred locale, and there is no default preferred locale set, the application uses the user's language and territory preference settings. This can result in fewer and less accurate search results. If there is no knowledge base content in the user's preferred language and territory, they will get no results when they search for knowledge.