Schedule Knowledge Content Batch Process

Sometimes newly created articles, categories, and products don't appear in Knowledge Authoring and My Knowledge. To make these missing items available to your knowledge users, you need to run some knowledge scheduled processes and assign locales to knowledge users.

  1. Schedule and run the Knowledge Content Batch Process job. This job updates Knowledge categories and products to reflect recent changes to Service and HCM products and categories. Schedule this job to run only once per day. Running this job more frequently isn't recommended.
  2. Assign locales to users. For more information, see Why can't I create articles in Knowledge Authoring?
Note: You need the SVC_SCHEDULE_SERVICE_JOBS_PRIV authorization to schedule Knowledge processes.

To run the scheduled process:

  1. Go to Tools, and click Scheduled Processes.
  2. Click Schedule New Process.
  3. In the Schedule New Process dialog box, select Job as the process type.
  4. In the Name field, type "Knowledge", and press Enter.

    This displays the list of available Knowledge processes.

  5. Select the Knowledge Content Batch Process process and click OK.
  6. Click OK in the Schedule New Process dialog box to go to the Process Details page for the job.
  7. Click Process Options, choose the options you want, and click OK to return to the Process Details page.
  8. Click Advanced and for Run select Using a schedule.

    For the Knowledge Content Batch Process, set the following:

    • Frequency: Daily
    • Days Between Runs: 1
    • Start Date
    • End Date
  9. Click Submit.