Find Similar SRs

Service request (SR) similarity lets you troubleshoot issues accurately and efficiently, by finding similar SRs that may have been previously resolved. SR similarity uses adaptive intelligence (AI) for similarity computation, by considering the key standard or custom fields of an SR. Attributes such as Title, Problem Description, Product, Category, and messages exchanged are used to find similar service requests that can help resolve the current service request.

Your administrator must enable the Service Request Similarity feature for you to use it. For more information, see "Overview of Service Request Similarity" in the Implementing Fusion Service guide.

Here's how you can find and link similar service requests:

  1. Open the Edit Service Request page for the service request for which you want to find similar service requests.

  2. Click Restore Pane > Similar SRs tab.

    The Results subtab displays the SRs that are similar to the currently selected SR.

  3. To link the similar service request to the current service request, click Link to Service Request.

    You may want to link a similar SR for future references so that other agents can see it, and also to give feedback to the AI system.

    The linked similar service requests are displayed on the Linked SRs subtab.

  4. To indicate that a matched similar service request isn't relevant, click Not Relevant.

    Every time you link or vote down a matched similar service request, you're providing feedback to the adaptive intelligence system.

  5. To refresh the list of similar service requests, click the Refresh icon.

    Refresh is only needed if some of the key fields mentioned above have been changed, which may cause additional similar SRs to be displayed in the list. For example, if the Problem Description is updated, or new messages came in.

  6. To view the similar service request details in a nested browser tab, click the service request link.

    On the Similar Service Request Details page, you can also link it to the current SR, or mark it as not relevant, using the corresponding icons.