Provide Additional Information About SR Attachments and SR Message Attachments

When you're uploading or editing SR attachments and SR message attachments on the SR, you may sometimes want to provide additional information about them. You can provide this additional information by updating the flexfields on the SR attachments and SR message attachments.

  1. Navigate to the specific SR.

  2. Upload an attachment with the appropriate attachment category.

    You can upload attachments to the SR or to the SR Message.

  3. Click Details for an attachment that you uploaded.

  4. Expand the More Information section on the Attachment Details pane.

    Note: You may have to expand the Attachments dialog to see the attachment flexfields.
  5. Update the flexfields as required.

  6. Click Update on the Attachment Details Pane to save the flexfields.

  7. Click OK to close the Attachments dialog and then save the SR.

Note: Sometimes, the Attachment Details pane doesn't display the contextual segment flexfields that are associated with an attachment category. If this happens, change the category of the attachment and then change it back to the original category. The contextual segment flexfield is now displayed.