Unfollow Service Requests for Notifications

The Notifications Followed page lets you view all the SRs you're currently following to receive notifications. From that list, you can unfollow those SRs that you're no longer interested in receiving notifications.

You follow an SR by navigating to that service request's details, and selecting Follow from the Actions menu. All SRs that you follow for notifications are listed on the Notifications Followed page. So, you need not navigate to each individual service request's details to unfollow the SRs for which you don't want to receive notifications. Instead, you can quickly unfollow the SRs from this single list view.

Here's how you do it:

  1. In the Settings and Actions global header menu, click Set Preferences.

    The Preferences page is displayed.

  2. In the Service group, click User Notification Preferences.

    The User Notification Preferences page is displayed.

  3. Click the Notifications Followed tab.

    The Notifications Followed page is displayed.

  4. Deselect the Followed check box for the SRs for which you don't want to receive notifications.

  5. Click Done.