Payment Methods During Global Transfer for Canada

Payment methods indicate the method of payment, such as cheque, cash, or credit. These payment methods associate a source bank account with each such payment type.

During a transfer, the application automatically copies the payment methods from the source payroll relationship to the new payroll relationship.

Personal Payment Methods

When a global transfer results in a new payroll relationship, the application automatically copies the personal payment methods. The application copies the personal payment methods from the source to the target payroll relationship subject to a valid organization payment method at the target payroll relationship.

Personal Payment Start Date

Personal Payment End Date

Copy Status

After global transfer



Before global transfer

After global transfer



Before global transfer

Not Copied

Note: The old personal payment methods won't be explicitly end-dated, as payment may need to continue for the old payroll relationship unless the relationship is terminated.

Considerations for Organization Payment Methods

Although the same organization payment method is used for all payroll definitions within a legislative data group. It's possible that you may have defined separate organization payment methods for each payroll. In such cases, if the global transfer involves a change of payroll, the organization payment methods on the old payroll don't apply to the new payroll.

For example, Priya Krishnan is global transferred from the payroll CA Semi-Monthly on to a new payroll CA Biweekly. Her previous payment method used the organization payment method Semi-Monthly Cash, in this case the copy logic would try to find an organization payment method of same payment type cash within the new payroll.


Source Organization Payment Method

Target Organization Payment Method

Copy Result

When the source organization payment method is valid on the target payroll

Vision Cash

  • Vision Cash

  • Vision Cheque

Personal payment method copied as Vision Cash

When the old organization payment method isn't valid for the new payroll but just one organization payment method of the same payment type exists on the new payroll

Biweekly Cash

  • Semi-Monthly Cash

  • Vision Direct Deposit

  • Vision Cheque

Copies the payment method and switches the organization payment method to Semi-Monthly Cash

When the organization payment method isn't valid for the new payroll but multiple organization payment methods of the same type exist on the new payroll

Vision Direct Deposit

  • Corp Direct Deposit

  • Warehouse Direct Deposit

  • Corp Cheque

  • Warehouse Cheque

Not Copied

When no organization payment method exists on the target payroll for the same payment type

Vision Cash

  • Vision Direct Deposit

  • Vision Cheque

Not Copied

Third-Party Payment Methods

You can use third party payment methods to process payments to external organizations and people. These payment methods aren't restricted to a single payroll relationship as compared to personal payment methods. However, if the third-party payee is a person, you should link the payment method to the new payroll relationship of the employee. You don't have to link the payment method if the third-party payee is an organization. The application links payment methods for the third-party person to the new payroll relationship if the organization payment method is valid for the new payroll.