View the Record of Employment Archive Results

The Run Record of Employment Archive task archives the ROE information. Payroll Managers and Payroll Administrators can run this process from the Regulatory and Tax Reporting work area.

The output of the process is an archive of the relevant Record of employment (ROE) data and a Record of Employment Worksheet.

After you run the Run Record of Employment Archive process, you can:

  • View the archive results

  • View the ROE worksheet

View the Archive Results

To view the archive results after the process is submitted:

  1. Navigate to View Payroll Process Results task in the Payroll Calculation work area.

  2. Select Archive Record of Employment task.

  3. Enter the required information in the Search window.

  4. Click Details.

  5. In the Payroll Process Results page, click Archive Results (in the drop-down list at the far right of the results).

  6. Click View and Expand All.

  7. Click on each archive record to view the details.

  8. Scroll down to see the details of each record.

View the Worksheet

To view the ROE worksheet when the process is submitted:

  1. From the Confirmation page, click OK and View Checklist.

  2. Click Go To Task.

  3. Click the Processes and Reports tab.

  4. Click View Results.

  5. Click the Record of Employment Worksheet.pdf file name.

  6. Select Open with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  7. Click OK.

To view the worksheet after the process is submitted:

  1. Navigate to the Regulatory and Tax Reporting work area.

  2. In the Overview page, select the Flow Pattern Run Record of Employment Archive.

  3. Enter the required information in the Search window.

  4. Click the relevant Payroll Process Flow Name.

  5. Click Processes and Reports tab.

  6. Click View Results.

  7. Click the Record of Employment Worksheet.pdf file name.

  8. Select Open with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  9. Click OK.