Fix Benefits Navigation Issue After Upgrading from Release 12 to Release 13

After upgrading from Release 12 to Release 13, the Benefits icon might not render. And, you might get an invalid web app exception that prevents you from changing the node when you click the Benefits link in your sandbox. Your UI configuration changes are upgrade safe. So any changes done in Release 12 to control visibility of the Benefits card might prevent the upgrade of the root_menu.xml file in Release 13. The prevention can cause navigation failure. Here's how you can fix this issue.

Before you start

Create a Sandbox and Make It Active

Here's what to do

  1. Enter your sandbox.
  2. Go to Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.
  3. On the Settings and Actions menu, click Manage Configurations.
  4. On the Manage Configurations dialog box, in the Search field, enter /oracle/apps/menu/root_menu.xml.
  5. In the /oracle/apps/menu/root_menu.xml row, Current Context Site column, click Download.
  6. In the downloaded file, search for this string:
  7. Replace the file values with these values wherever there's a discrepancy:
  8. Upload your modified /oracle/apps/menu/root_menu.xml. Here's what to do if you don't see an Upload link for the file:
    1. Ask Oracle Support to run the scripts that update the FND_ALLOW_MANUAL_METADATA_UPDATES profile option value.
    2. After Oracle Support finishes, on the Settings and Actions menu, click Setup and Maintenance.
    3. On the Tasks panel tab, click Search.
    4. On the Search page search for and go to the Manage Administrator Profile Value task.
    5. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for the FND_ALLOW_MANUAL_METADATA_UPDATES profile option code.
    6. In the Site row, Profile Value field, select Yes.
    7. Click Save and Close.
    8. Try uploading your modified file again using steps 1 – 4 and 8.
  9. To render your changes, on the page, click Close.
  10. To verify your changes, on the Sandbox Mode: Edit menu, select Preview as if Published (Context: All).
  11. To publish your changes, on the <YourSandboxName> menu, select Publish.