Hide a Quick Action

To keep the Home page clean and help people find relevant quick actions, you can hide quick actions that people don't use.

Before you start

Create a Sandbox and Make It Active

Here's what to do

  1. Go to Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.
  2. Enter your sandbox.
  3. Go to Navigator > Configuration > Structure.
  4. On the Structure page, click the appropriate node, such as Me.
  5. On the Edit Group page, click the Quick Actions tab.
  6. Expand the appropriate node, such as Benefits.
  7. Click the quick action you want to hide, such as Need Help? Contact Us.
  8. On the Edit Quick Action dialog box, in the Visibile field, select No.
  9. Click Save and Close.
  10. On the Structure page, click Save and Close.
  11. To verify your changes, on the Sandbox Mode: Edit menu, select Preview as if Published (Context: All).
  12. To publish your changes, on the <YourSandboxName> menu, select Publish.