Employee Active Payroll Balance Report for Canada

Generate the Employee Active Payroll Balance report to review the output and correct any balance discrepancies prior to year-end reporting.

Payroll Managers and administrators can use the Run Employee Active Payroll Balance Report task from the Regulatory and Tax Reporting area under Payroll on the Home page to generate the report. You can also run this report using the Submit a Flow task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.


The only prerequisite to running this report is that a valid payroll action must exist, like a payroll run, QuickPay, or balance initialization. Processing the payroll archive isn’t required prior to running this report.


Enter these parameters to run the Employee Active Payroll Balance Report.

Flow Pattern

Select Run Employee Active Payroll Balance Report.

Payroll Flow

Enter a payroll flow name.

Note: It’s best practice to name the flow so that you can easily identify the process later. This is helpful while searching so you can determine what you have already run or if you must rollback any process.

Start Date

Enter a start date to retrieve balances. This is a required parameter.

End Date

Enter an end date to retrieve balances. This is a required parameter.


Select a payroll, to run the report for a specific payroll.

Consolidation Group

Select the consolidation group name, if you have defined one.

Note: Use the Consolidation Groups task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page to define the consolidation group before you can select it here.

Tax Reporting Unit

Select a tax reporting unit (TRU), to run the report for a specific TRU.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. For example, you can create a group to process all employees within a specific province.

Note: Use the Objects Group task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page to define the payroll relationship group before you can select it here.

Employee Name

Select the name of an employee, to run this report for a specific employee.

Balance Dimension

Select the balance dimension used to report balances. This is a required parameter.

Valid Values are:
  • Run

  • Month

  • Quarter

  • Year

  • Quarter and Year

  • Inception to Date

If you select Quarter or Quarter and Year in the Balance Dimension parameter, the values presented to you in the Quarter parameter is dependent on the Start Date and End Date parameters. The Quarter Number you can select is within the date range you select. For example, if the Start Date is 1/1/21 and the End Date is 12/31/21, you will be presented with all four quarters to select. You can select any of the quarters or select All to include all the quarters.

The amounts are displayed on the report for each quarter selected. If Quarter and Year was selected, the balances are also reported for the year, which is a sum of the quarters reported, as given here.
  • Balance Dimension = Quarter and Year

  • Quarter = Quarter 1,2

  • Balance Group Usage = Canadian Employer Liabilities Quarter and Year Balance Group Usage

Balance Group Usage

Select the balance group usage to report balances. The balance group usage displays all balances defined for that group. The list of values is dynamically determined based on the Balance Dimension parameter value selected. This is a required parameter.

The Balance Group Usage parameter is a defined group of balances used for reporting. Six groups of balances are predefined in the application:

  • Canadian T4 Balance Group

  • Canadian T4A Balance Group

  • Canadian RL-1 Balance Group

  • Canadian RL-2 Balance Group

  • Canadian Tax Remittance Balance Group

  • Canadian Employer Liabilities Balance Group

  • Canadian Employer Liabilities Quarter and Year Balance Group

If you select Quarter or Quarter and Year in the Balance Dimension parameter, only the applicable quarter-to-date dimension values are presented for selection in the Balance Group Usages parameter.

If these balance groups don’t meet your specific requirements, create additional balance group usages to use for reporting. For additional details, refer to the Appendix III: Creating User-Defined Balance Group Usages.

For a list of the individual balances included within each predefined balance group, refer to the Appendix II: Balances Defined for Predefined Balance Groups.

Display Person National Identifier

Select the display option for the person’s Social Insurance Number. Valid values are:
  • Do not display ID – the column is not present in the report (this is the default value)

  • Display masked ID – displays the Social Insurance Number, partially masked, as XXX-XXX-### (for example XXX-XXX-555)

  • Display full ID – displays the full Social Insurance Number (for example, 555-555-555)

Note: Out-of-the-box, the National Identifier column is not displayed on the report, and this parameter is not visible in the Run Employee Active Payroll Balance Report flow. To enable and use the new parameter in the flow, you must copy the seeded flow and create a copy, then enable the Display Person National Identifier parameter for that flow. This feature offers the ability to configure various versions of the report, offering flexibility to display the national identifier or not, and in what format. This feature can make it easier to reconcile balances with third-party tax providers that may require the employee’s Social Insurance Number.

Process Configuration Group

Select the process configuration group name, if you have defined any. This parameter is used for logging and reporting purposes.

Note: Use the Payroll Process Configuration task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page to define the process configuration group before you can select it here.


Report Output

Generate the Employee Active Payroll Balance Report in Excel using the Report Category parameter. These values are displayed using the new parameter during report submission:
  • Employee Payroll Balance Report in Text

  • Employee Payroll Balance Report in Excel

You can convert the text output file into an Excel spreadsheet for further totaling and manipulation to meet your specific requirements. For additional details, refer to the link given in the Related Links section and search for the Text Import Wizard on the portal.

Typically the report will contain one line for each employee. However, for Canada, there are certain contexts associated with some Canadian balances that may report multiple lines for a single employee balance, if there is a change in context value. Some Canadian balances may have province, statutory reporting type, or reference code contexts associated with them that result in reporting multiple lines for one employee. Not all balances have contexts.

The statutory reporting type context is the year-end form that the balances are associated with. The statutory reporting type is associated with an element's secondary classification. It determines how the element is used in the payroll calculation, and how the element is reported at the end of the year.

The reference code context is for Workers’ Compensation and Provincial Medical balances and contain the relevant account information.

The output of this report is purely a balance-based record of an employee's live balances. If an employee has any of the balances defined in the balance group usage selected as a parameter, within the date range specified, they’re included in this report. These balances are defined in the balance group usage and as noted, certain balances require certain contexts, (province, statutory report type, reference code), and are stored that way in the application. As a consequence of this, the report may display multiple lines for each balance for each dimension and context for that employee. A row with a blank context value may also appear as a total. Restrict the output of the data by selecting specific report parameters so as to generate the report for relevant employees for each balance group usage. For example, to restrict the output for employees who receive an RL-2, create a group that contains only those RL-2 employees and select that group while generating the report.

If the predefined balance groups don’t meet your specific reporting needs, you can create additional balance group usages to use for reporting. For additional details, refer to the Appendix III: Creating User-Defined Balance Group Usages. For a list of the individual balances included within each predefined balance group, refer to the Appendix II: Balances Defined in the Predefined Balance Groups.

Displaying the Social Insurance Number on the Employee Active Payroll Balance Report

You have the option to display the person’s national identifier (Social Insurance Number) on the Employee Active Payroll Balance Report. This feature offers various display options, using a hidden parameter. The valid values for the Display Person National Identifier parameter are:
  • Do not display ID – the column is not present in the report (this is the default value)

  • Display masked ID – displays the Social Insurance Number, partially masked, as XXX-XXX-### (for example XXX-XXX-555)e

  • Display full ID – displays the full Social Insurance Number (for example, 555-555-555)

This feature supports the ability to configure various versions of the report, offering flexibility to display the national identifier or not, and in what format. This feature can make it easier to reconcile balances with third-party tax providers that may require the employee’s Social Insurance Number.

Note these important considerations for this feature:
  • You do not have to use the new feature if you do not want to display the national identifier. You can simply use the seeded flow as is, or if you create a custom flow, do not enable the parameter.

  • The employee’s designated primary national identifier is displayed. This is held in the National Identifiers section for the person. If you only added one identifier, it is automatically set as the primary identifier.

  • You can create different versions of the flow pattern with different parameter settings for different users, depending on their security requirements. For example, one user could use the existing seeded report with no changes so the new parameter hidden and the National Identifier column is not displayed at all. Another user could use a version of the report where the parameter is set to display the full identifier, and the National Identifier column is displayed with the person’s primary identifier that is fully displayed.

Enabling the Display Person National Identifier Parameter

Out-of-the-box, the National Identifier column is not displayed on the report, and the parameter is not visible in the Run Employee Active Payroll Balance Report flow. If you choose to use this feature and enable the Display Person National Identifier parameter, you must copy the seeded Run Employee Active Payroll Balance Report flow. This will create a custom flow and allow you to enable the new parameter. Use the Payroll Flow Patterns task to copy the existing flow, then enable the Display Person National Identifier parameter by changing Display to Yes. Once the changes are submitted, the Display Person National Identifier parameter is enabled for the custom flow.

Additional References for Payroll Reconciliation

For complete instructions on balance reconciliation refer to the Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for Canada: Payroll Reconciliation document on My Oracle Support.

For more information about how to adjust balances detected by this process, refer to the Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for Canada: Balance Adjustments document on My Oracle Support.

For more information about performing mass balance adjustments, refer to the Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for Canada: Batch Balance Adjustments document on My Oracle Support.

You can view these documents from the Canada Information Center (Document ID 2102586.2).