Year-End Balance Feeds for Canada

Before you start the end-of-year processing, review the balances required for year-end reporting. Many of the year-end balances are predefined for you, but if required, manually configure additional year-end balance feeds.

Use the Balance Definitions task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page to manually configure the year-end feeds for balances that are reported on the year-end slips.

Note: Generally, the best practice is to create the year-end feeds using the same date that the balance is created. If you don't create it using the same date and it's the first year that you're configuring the feeds, set up the year-end balance feeds with an effective date prior to December, 31 of the calendar year you're reporting. Once this is configured, you need not make changes in the subsequent years.

T4 Predefined Balances

This table lists the balances that are automatically fed. You must manually establish feeds for the rest of the balances reported on year-end slips.

T4 Box

Box Definition

Predefined Balance


Employment Income

Gross Earnings

Use the T4 Box 14 Adjustment balance to reduce box 14, if required.


Employee's Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Contributions

CPP Employee Withheld

Note: If an employee is paid after the CPP Election Date on their tax calculation card, the CPP annual maximum contribution and CPP yearly maximum pensionable earnings are prorated based on the number of months in the year they were subject to CPP.If the employee contributed over this limit, the CPP Withheld is refunded and the CPP Taxable amount is adjusted to bring the year-to-date values in line with the prorated limits.


Employee's Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) Contributions

QPP Employee Withheld


Employee's Employment Insurance (EI) premiums

EI Employee Withheld


Income tax deducted

Federal Tax Withheld


EI Insurable earnings

EI Employee Taxable


CPP/QPP pensionable earnings

CPP Employee Taxable, QPP Employee Taxable


Provincial Parental Insurance Plan (PPIP)

Quebec Parental Insurance Plan Employee Withheld


PPIP insurable earnings

QPIP Employee Taxable

T4A Predefined Balances

This table lists the balances that are automatically fed. You must manually establish feeds for the rest of the balances reported on year-end slips.

T4A Box

Box Definition

Predefined Balance


Income Tax deducted

Federal Tax Withheld

RL-1 Predefined Balances

This table lists the balances that are automatically fed. You must manually establish feeds for the rest of the balances reported on year-end slips.

RL-1 Box

Box Definition

Predefined Balance


Employment income before source deductions

Gross Earnings


Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) contribution

QPP Employee Withheld


Employment Insurance (EI) premium

EI Employee Withheld


Quebec income tax (including the health contribution) withheld at source

Provincial Tax Withheld


Pensionable salary or wages under the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP)

QPP Employee Taxable


Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) premium

QPIP Employee Withheld


Eligible salary or wages under the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP)

QPIP Employee Taxable

O - Code RZ

Amount derived from more than one source

Derived by the Oracle Fusion application

Other Information B-1

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contribution

CPP Employee Withheld

Note: If an employee is paid after the CPP Election Date on their tax calculation card, the CPP Withheld and CPP Taxable annual maximum limits are prorated based on the number of months in the year they were subject to CPP. If the employee contributed over this limit, the CPP Withheld is refunded and the CPP Taxable amount is adjusted to bring the year-to-date values in line with the prorated limits.

Other Information G-1

Taxable benefit in kind

RL-1 Taxable Benefit Paid in Kind

Other Information G-2

Pensionable earnings under the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

CPP Employee Taxable

RL-2 Predefined Balances

This table lists the balances that are automatically fed. You must manually establish feeds for the rest of the balances reported on year-end slips.

RL-2 Box

Box Definition

Predefined Balance


Quebec Income Tax Deducted

Provincial Tax Withheld

The element that you should feed to the year-end balances is the 'Results' element and not the 'Base' element. However, for elements with a primary classification of Information, you must use the 'Base' element for balance feeds. A Results element isn't created for Information elements.

Refer to the appendix at the end of this document for additional information about the Oracle Fusion balances that map to the individual boxes on the year-end slips.