Example of Loading Quebec Employee’s YTD Federal and Provincial Balances

In this example, you create balance initialization records to initialize an employee’s YTD federal and provincial-level balances for a Quebec employee.

When initializing year-to-date balances, you also initialize any related balances. For example, when initializing Federal Tax Withheld balance, other related balances may need to be initialized as well (for example, Federal Exempt, Federal Tax Not Taken, etc.), depending on your business needs.

Load the Initialize Balance Batch Header

Use the InitializeBalanceBatchHeader.dat file to create the batch header.

MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchHeader|CA LDG|CA Bal Init|2019/01/31

Load the Initialize Balance Batch Lines

In the following example a number of balances are being initialized for the same employee. The employee is identified by their payroll relationship number, employment terms number and assignment number.

Attribute Value
PayrollRelationshipNumber 8182639
TermNumber ET8182639
AssignmentNumber E182639

The employee’s payroll and tax reporting unit must also be specified on every initialize balance line

Attribute Value
PayrollName Vision CA Weekly
TaxUnitName CA Tax Reporting Unit

Load these details to initialize the YTD Federal Tax Withheld to 6338.94:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 1
BalanceName Federal Tax Withheld
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date
AreaOne 19
Value 6338.94
ContextOneName Year End Forms
ContextOneValue T4_RL1

Load these details to initialize the YTD Provincial Tax Withheld balance to 7025.80:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 2
BalanceName Provincial Tax Withheld
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date
AreaOne 19
Value 7025.80
ContextOneName Year End Forms
ContextOneValue T4_RL1

Load these details to initialize the YTD QPP Employee Withheld balance:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 3
BalanceName QPP Employee Withheld
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date
AreaOne 19
Value 1559.68
ContextOneName Year End Forms
ContextOneValue T4_RL1

Load these details to initialize the YTD EI Employee Withheld balance:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 4
BalanceName EI Employee Withheld
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date
AreaOne 19
Value 459.00
ContextOneName Year End Forms
ContextOneValue T4_RL1

Load these details to initialize the YTD EI Employer Liability balance:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 5
BalanceName EI Employer Liability
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date
AreaOne 19
Value 646.80
ContextOneName Year End Forms
ContextOneValue T4_RL1

Load these details to initialize the YTD Workers Compensation Gross balance:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 6
BalanceName Workers Compensation Gross
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Reference Code Year to Date
AreaOne 19
Value 30000.00
ContextOneName Reference Code
ContextOneValue WC_QC1234_QCCU1234

Load these details to initialize the YTD Workers Compensation Liability balance:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 7
BalanceName Workers Compensation Liability
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Reference Code Year to Date
AreaOne 19
Value 435.00
ContextOneName Reference Code
ContextOneValue WC_QC1234_QCCU1234

Load these details to initialize the YTD Provincial Medical Gross balance:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 8
BalanceName Provincial Medical Gross
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Reference Code Year to Date
AreaOne 19
Value 30000.00
ContextOneName Reference Code
ContextOneValue PM_UNDEFINED

Load these details to initialize the YTD Provincial Medical Liability balance:

Attribute Value
LineSequence 9
BalanceName Provincial Medical Liability
DimensionName Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Reference Code Year to Date
AreaOne 19
Value 1278.00
ContextOneName Reference Code
ContextOneValue PM_UNDEFINED

Use the InitializeBalanceBatchLine.dat file to load the balance initialization lines defined above:


MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|CA Bal Init|1|8182639|ET8182639|E8182639|Vision CA Weekly|CA Tax Reporting Unit|Federal Tax Withheld|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date|19|Year End Forms|T4_RL1|6338.94
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|CA Bal Init|2|8182639|ET8182639|E8182639|Vision CA Weekly|CA Tax Reporting Unit|Provincial Tax Withheld|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date|19|Year End Forms|T4_RL1|7025.80
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|CA Bal Init|3|8182639|ET8182639|E8182639|Vision CA Weekly|CA Tax Reporting Unit|QPP Employee Withheld|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date|19|Year End Forms|T4_RL1|1559.68
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|CA Bal Init|4|8182639|ET8182639|E8182639|Vision CA Weekly|CA Tax Reporting Unit|EI Employee Withheld|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date|19|Year End Forms|T4_RL1|459.00
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|CA Bal Init|5|8182639|ET8182639|E8182639|Vision CA Weekly|CA Tax Reporting Unit|EI Employer Liability|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Statutory Report Type Year to Date|19|Year End Forms|T4_RL1|646.80
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|CA Bal Init|6|8182639|ET8182639|E8182639|Vision CA Weekly|CA Tax Reporting Unit|Workers Compensation Gross|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Reference Code Year to Date|19|Reference Code|WC_QC1234_QCCU1234|30000.00
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|CA Bal Init|7|8182639|ET8182639|E8182639|Vision CA Weekly|CA Tax Reporting Unit|Workers Compensation Liability|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Reference Code Year to Date|19|Reference Code|WC_QC1234_QCCU1234|435.00
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|CA Bal Init|8|8182639|ET8182639|E8182639|Vision CA Weekly|CA Tax Reporting Unit|Provincial Medical Gross|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Reference Code Year to Date|19|Reference Code|PM_UNDEFINED|30000.00
MERGE|InitializeBalanceBatchLine|CA LDG|CA Bal Init|9|8182639|ET8182639|E8182639|Vision CA Weekly|CA Tax Reporting Unit|Provincial Medical Liability|Relationship Tax Unit, Province, Reference Code Year to Date|19|Reference Code|PM_UNDEFINED|1278.00
Note: When initializing specific balances, you may also need to initialize any related balances. This is simply an example to illustrate the process. For example, when initializing Federal Tax Withheld balance, related balances such as Federal Tax Subject and Federal Tax Gross may also need to be initialized, depending on your business needs.