Define Extracts in the Simplified User Interface

This example topic show how to create a HCM extract including creating data groups, records, and attributes using the Simplified user interface.

FAST Bank is a global organization with subsidiaries all over the world. As part of an external reporting requirement, FAST Bank must obtain the department and employee details across the entire company. This information must be sent to a third party in an XML file and to the HR manager with employee details grouped by department as a Headcount Report.

The following table summarizes the key decisions in this scenario:

Decisions to Consider

In This Example

How many extracts do I create to produce this type of report?

You create one extract definition to define a headcount report.

How many data groups do I create?

There are 2 functional groups of information, therefore you create two data groups, one for department and one for employees.

How many records do I create?

You decide the number of records based on the subgroup of attributes within a data group. In this example, you create two records for the department data group:

  • Department Details

  • Department Summary

You create one record for the employees data group: Employee Details.

How many attributes do I create?

You decide the number of attributes based on the specific information required for that report. Create the following attributes for the Department Details record:

  • Department Name

  • Department Location

For the Department Summary record, create the following attributes:

  • Record Code

  • Report Date

  • Employee Count

For the Employees Details record, create the following attributes:

  • Full Name

  • Gender

  • Date of Birth

  • Salary

  • Bonus

  • Tax Rate

Do I create any fast formulas?

You can use fast formulas at the following levels:

  • Extract Criteria level to identify certain conditions.

  • Extract Rule level to derive attribute values.

  • Extract Advanced Condition level to specify complex conditions.

  • Extract Record level to automatically generate formulas when you use the Generate Formula option.

Create an Extract Definition

  1. On the Extract Definitions page, click Add > Create New to open the Create Extract Definition page.

  2. Select HR Archive and create the Extract Definition with the following details:

    Field Name



    FAST Bank Extract

    Note: The application uses this name to generate the XML output file.

    Start Date




    Note: Selecting Report in the Consumer field indicates that the extract is used for reporting purposes and that the data isn'tinterfaced with any external applications.
    Note: Consumer field doesn't appear for the extract type Archive Retrieval.

    Additional Details

    HR Manager

    Note: Additional Details field doesn't appear for the extract type Archive Retrieval and when you select Report in the Consumer field.
    Note: In the Consumer field you can include the consumer name or the external application to which the data generated by the HCM Extracts is sent to or interfaced with. Additionally, you can also add details in the Additional Details field to capture names of applications or consumers. Consumer field has a list of values. If the application or consumer name isn'tfound in the list, you can provide the name in the Additional Details field. If you've a predefined extract that can be used as a template, select it from the Source Template list.
    Note: Capturing the consumer name or the external application to which the data is interfaced with provides information related to integration patterns and requirements from customers. This information can help Oracle identify common integration patterns and to deliver predefined templates, thus simplifying the extracts creation and definition process.
  3. Click OK. The application saves the extract definition and automatically generates the parameters based on the type of extract. The parameters control the output of an extract.

    Use the Edit icon to open the extract in the Desktop user interface. Use the Desktop user interface to create and define HCM extracts without using a drag and drop application. You can perform most of the tasks for defining the extract in the Simplified user interface.

Create Extract Data Groups and Records

  1. Select the Design icon to create the data groups and records.

  2. Create the root data group with the following information:

    Field Name




    Tag Name


    User Entity


    Threading Database Item

    Extract Organization Business Group ID

    Click Save.

    Select Enable Object Snapshot to allow object snapshot support through REST service. Selecting this also enables the object snapshot key attribute. Object Snapshot Key attribute is derived from the Threading Database Item (Extract Organization Business Group ID).

    Note: The Enable Object Snapshot option appears only for root data group.

    For details on Object Snapshot REST API, see Object Snapshots REST Endpoints in REST API for Oracle HCM Cloud guide.

  3. Right-click the Departments data group in the Object Name table and select Add Record.

  4. Create two records named Department Summary and Department Details. You'll see the following information:


    Department Summary

    Department Details


    Department Summary

    Department Details

    Tag Name




    Detail Record

    Detail Record

    Process Type

    Fast Formula

    Fast Formula

    Generated Fast Formula



  5. Select Save and Close. Create another data group by right-clicking the Departments data group and select Add Child Data Group.

  6. Update the data group with the following information:

    Field Name




    Tag Name


    User Entity


    Threading Database Item

    Extract Assignment Person ID

  7. Right-click the Employees data group in the Object Name table and select Add Record. Add a record named Employee Details. You'll see the following information:


    Department Summary


    Employee Details

    Tag Name



    Detail Record

    Process Type

    Fast Formula

    Generated Fast Formula


Create Extract Data Group Connections

  1. Select the Connect Data Groups tab on the Employees data group, and select the Add icon to add a connection.

  2. Complete the fields to create a data group connection, as shown in this table:

    Field Name


    Parent Data Group


    Parent Data Group Database Item


    Data Group Database Item


  3. Define the data group filter criteria for each data group by selecting the Filters tab.

    Filter Criteria

    Defining a set of filtering conditions lets you to restrict the data extraction. The application uses these conditions to perform the extraction on the extract data group using the extract data group criteria.

    You can specify the data group filter as an expression or as fast formula, and you can choose one or both. You can build criteria using the available database items, parameters, and operators (conditional and logical). The filter criteria becomes efficient as HCM Extract appends it to the User Entity SQL at the time of execution. If you can't specify the criteria as an expression, then you can place logic inside a fast formula and include this in your definition. Fast formulas return values of Y or N to indicate whether you must extract the record or not. If both criteria and formula are specified, then both the conditions are applied.

Create Attributes

  1. Select the Departments Details record in the Departments data group, select the Attributes tab, and then the Add icon.

  2. Complete the fields to create extract attributes for the Department Details record, as shown in this table:

    Field Name

    Attribute Entry

    Attribute Entry


    Department Name

    Department Location


    Database item group

    Database item group

    Database Item Group

    Organization Name

    Organization Location Country

  3. Select the Department Summary record, and using the above method enter the following extract attribute details.

  4. Complete the fields to create extract attributes for the Department Summary record, as shown in this table:

    Field Name

    Attribute Entry

    Attribute Entry

    Attribute Entry


    Record Code

    Report Date

    Employee Count

    Data Type






    Parameter Element

    Summary Element

    String Value





    Effective Date



    Aggregate Function




    Aggregate Record Name



    Employees Employee Details

  5. Select the Employee Details record within the Employees data group and using the same method enter the following extract attribute details.

  6. Complete the fields to create extract attributes for the Employee Details record, as shown in this table:

    Field Name

    Attribute Entry

    Attribute Entry

    Attribute Entry


    Full Name


    Date of Birth

    Start Date




    Data Type





    Database Item Group

    Decoded database item group

    Database item group

    Database Item Group

    Person Full Name

    Person Gender

    Person Date of Birth

Define the Delivery Options

  1. Select the Deliver icon and then the Add icon to define the delivery options.

  2. Complete the fields for the delivery options, as shown in this table:




    Start Date



    End Date



    BI Publisher Template



    Output Type



    Delivery Type



    Delivery Option Name

    Email to HR

    FTP to 3rd Party

    Output Name



  3. Ensure you enter the more information such as, the server, user name, and password for the FTP delivery type.

  4. Enter FAST Bank Extract as the reporting category and click Submit.

  5. View the extract definition details and ensure the structure is valid in the Validate page by selecting the Validate button.

  6. Select Export XML Schema to download the XML Schema Definition (.XSD) file for this extract setup. This exported file contains the structure of the extract definition: the data groups, records, and attributes.

Preview an Extract

You can preview an extract to verify the extracts design before submitting the definition. Previewing lets you to verify the output structure of a sample data set by providing specific parameter values for defined parameters, if any.
Note: Preview option is available only for user-defined extracts. It isn'tavailable for predefined extract definitions.
  1. Open the extract that you want to preview and go to the Preview tab.

  2. Enter the values in the Parameters section. To gather more diagnostics of the extracts run, run the Extracts with Debug set to Yes under the Diagnostics section.

  3. Enter a value in the Threading Object ID field to extract data for a specific threading database item defined for the Extract. Leaving the Threading Object ID field blank extracts random sample data.

    Note: Threading Object ID appears only for extracts for which threading database item is defined.
    Note: It is recommended to define extracts with threading database item for improved efficiency.
  4. Click Preview to start the preview process.

    Note: Preview button is enabled only after you validate your extract definition.
  5. Click Download to download the sample XML output generated to build your BI Publisher templates. It also downloads the log file that you can use for troubleshooting.

Submit an Extract

An extract definition automatically creates an extract process (payroll flow) with the same name as the extract. The extract process enables you to define an execution sequence of multiple tasks, including before and after tasks.

  1. Select the Submit Extracts task and select the FAST Bank Extract process.

  2. Select Next.

  3. Enter FAST Bank Extract - Jan 2012 as the Payroll Flow (extract process).

  4. Enter 1/1/15 as the End Date.

  5. Select Next. You can specify interaction details if the task depends on other tasks with different extract processes. For example, this task must wait because another task is running.

  6. Select Next and review the extract. You can schedule the extract, or run it immediately.

  7. Select Submit.

  8. Select OK and View Checklist to view the status of the process.

  9. Select the View Extract Results task to review the results of the extract run. Search for the FAST Bank Extract process.

  10. Select Go to Task for FAST Bank Extract - Jan 2012, click the eyeglasses, and view the report output by selecting the report name.