Extracts Process Diagnostics Report

You can run the Extracts Process Diagnostics Report process to generate the diagnostics report of an HCM Extracts definition or for a specific HCM Extracts process.

This process generates the Extract design time, runtime, and extracted data diagnostics report to:

  • View recommendations about an Extract definition design, missing or incorrect design choices, and take corrective actions.
  • Identify the phase-wise time and recommendations about an Extract run to improve the processing time for the subsequent runs.
  • Identify the anomalies in the extracted data that prevent the usage of generated HCM Extracts XML data by Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher or other publishing tools.

To submit and run the process from the Scheduled Processes work area:

  1. Click Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.
  2. On the Scheduled Processes Overview page, click Schedule New Process.
  3. Leave the type as Job, search and select the Extracts Process Diagnostics Report process, and click OK.
  4. In the Process Details dialog box, select the Scope and Scope Value:
    • For Design Time Diagnostics scope, the available extract definitions are listed as the scope value.
    • For Runtime Diagnostics and Data Diagnostics scope, the extract runs or instances are listed as the scope value.
  5. Define the schedule, output, and notifications for the process set, as you’d do for any scheduled process. Set any other options and click Submit.

The runtime and data diagnostics can be generated for any extract instance, whereas the design time diagnostics is generated for user-defined extract definitions. After the process is complete and successful, review the log and the process report to know about dependencies, warnings, and potential solutions.

Design Time Diagnostics

The Design Time Diagnostics for a user-defined extract definition provides the following information:

  • How to reset the context user entity

  • Tips on using threading database item usage for incremental and changes-only extracts

  • Considerations for historic user entities in threading data groups

  • Delivery options and the associated BIP reports, if any

  • Design practices that are commonly seen to impact extracts performance including the usage of advanced conditions, override conditions, and record the sort order

These recommendations can help improve and optimize the Extracts design.

Note: You can also run the process for design time diagnostics from the Data Exchange work area> Extracts Definitions page. Search for and select an extract definition and click the Validate button. In the Execution page, click the Validate > Run Extended Validation. The action automatically triggers the process. You can download the results and view the log details.

Runtime Diagnostics

The Runtime Diagnostics for a specific HCM extract provides the following information:

  • Parameter values for the extracts run

  • Volume of data processed by the extracts run

  • Delivery status for the delivery options defined in the extract, including the BIP job IDs and job statuses

  • Phase-wise timing of the extracts run includes the start and end time of each of these phases: Archive, XML generation, BIP job process times, and Delivery. This provides an understanding of performance issue and suggests resolution too.

  • Tips to improve the process timings. You might want to consider them when updating or improving the extracts design.

Data Diagnostics

The Data Diagnostics for a specific HCM extract data provides the following transformation and parsing information:

  • Transformation details such as:
    • Instance name and library used
    • Extract Definition ID and name
    • XML tag name of main block and database item (DBI)
    • Number of processed and error records
    • Status of the transformation, with start and completion time
  • Problem descriptions such as:

    • Invalid characters in the output
    • Empty DBI tag name, without threading DBI
    • Error details listing the Object Action ID number, its location, and tag name