Get Values Using HCM Params

You can use get values from HCM Params global function when defining your autocomplete rule.

This table describes the global functions using an HCM Params


Variable Type

HCM Params Name

Available in Actions


Get string value from HCM Params String EMP_ModuleIdentifier All employment flows Returns the module name for employment flows.

Review the Module Identifiers

Get string value from HCM Params String TERM_TerminationLevel
  • Terminate Employment
  • Resign from Employment

Indicates the termination level. For work relationship level, the HcmParam value is WR. For assignment level, the HcmParam value is ASG.

Note: This HcmParam is applicable for V3 Terminations only.

Get string value from HCM Params String EMP_SensorProcessName
  • Terminate Employment
  • Resign from Employment

Indicates the current flow that’s started. For Terminate Employment flow, when you perform a work relationship level termination, the HcmParam value is Terminations. When you perform an assignment level termination in the same flow, the HcmParam value is AssignmentTerminations. For Resign from Employment flow, when you do a work relationship level resignation, the HcmParam value is Resignation. When you do an assignment level resignation in the same flow, the HcmParam Value is AssignmentResignation.

The following lists the module, value, and the level where this HcmParam is used.

Module -- Value -- Level

Terminate Employment -- Terminations -- WR

Resign From Employment -- Resignation -- WR

Terminate Employment -- AssignmentTerminations -- ASG

Resign From Employment -- AssignmentResignation -- ASG

Correct Termination -- CorrectTermination -- WR

Correct Termination -- AssignmentCorrectTermination -- ASG

Note: This HcmParam is applicable for V3 Terminations only.

Get date value from HCM Params Date EMP_Groovy_V3NotificationDate
  • Terminate Employment
  • Resign from Employment

Indicates the notification date selected for the flow.

Get date value from HCM Params Date EMP_Groovy_V3TerminationDate
  • Terminate Employment
  • Resign from Employment
Indicates the termination date selected for the flow.
Get string value from HCM Params String CSA_StudioRules Employment flows that include Salary section such as Hire, Promote, Local and Global Transfer

Parameter will be set to Y when in salary section. Use it when you want the validation rules written on Salary business object to trigger when the user tries to move out of the salary section by clicking on Continue or navigating to previous or next section.

Valid values are Y, N, or Null.

Get boolean value from HCM Params Boolean IS_REST_SERVICE All employment flows

Returns Y if the interface is Worker REST Service.

Valid values are Y or N.

Get string value from HCM Params String CMP_Download_Salary Change Salary Returns Y when Salary is being loaded from Download Salaries tool.

Valid values are Y, N, or Null.

Get string value from HCM Params String isSalaryRateBatchProcess N/A Returns Y when creating or correcting salary through Run Rates-based Salary process.

Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM Params String EMP_Groovy_OfferMode Create and Edit Job Offer Returns CreateOffer if the offer is being created.

Returns EditOffer if the offer is being edited.

Returns DuplicateOffer if the offer is being duplicated.

Get string value from HCM Params String DOR_UX All Document Record flows Returns Y if the document record is managed through the UI.

Valid values are Y or Null.

  • If the autocomplete rule doesn’t use DOR_UX in the rule condition, the rule will be run for both application and non-application flows (for example, REST API, HCM Data Loader, and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader).
  • If the autocomplete rule uses DOR_UX in the rule condition, the rule will be run for only application flows (for example, Document Records and plugin regions). In this case, the value of DOR_UX is Y.
Get string value from HCM Params String GOALS_ACTION
  • Copy Goal
  • Move Goal
  • Extend Goal
  • Assign Goal
  • Add Shared Goal
  • Add Goal from Performance Overview
  • Returns COPY_GOAL when a goal is copied.
  • Returns MOVE_GOAL when a goal is moved.
  • Returns EXTEND_GOAL when a goal is extended.
  • Returns ASSIGN_GOAL when a goal is assigned.
  • Returns ADD_SHARED_GOALwhen a shared goal is added.
  • Returns PERF_OVERIEW_ADD_GOAL when a goal is added from the performance overview.
Get string value from HCM Params String GOALS_ESS_FLOW
  • Mass Assign Goals process
  • Goal Plan Assignment process
  • Manager Assigning Goals process
Returns Y when goal is modified in the ESS flow.
Get string value from HCM Params String GOALS_HDL_LOAD Loading goals Returns Y when goal is modified in HDL flow.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • Responsive Offer flows

Returns Y when responsive offer flows are used.

Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • All responsive pages that have Salary section

Returns Y when Salary section is visited

Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • Request a New Position

  • Request a Position Change

  • Position Details

Returns the related action reason of the position.

Get date value from HCM Params



  • Request a New Position

  • Request a Position Change

  • Position Details

Returns the related action date of the position.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • Create Job Requisition

  • View and Edit Job Requisition

Returns the source of requisition creation.

Values are:

  • fromTemplate

  • fromPosition

  • fromJob

  • fromRequisition

  • fromBlank

Get string value from HCM Params



  • All employment flows

  • Job Offer

Returns Y if it's a recruiting candidate.

Get string value from HCM Params String EMP_AssignmentId
  • When and Why
Returns the Assignment ID on the assignment.

Get string value from HCM Params



Returns the grade step name for a specific assignment.

Get string value from HCM Params



Returns the grade step ID for a specific assignment.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • All employment flows

  • When and Why

Returns the related action type code of the action being used in the rule, such as EMPL_ADD_EMP for the Hire an Employee action.

Note: Use this HcmParam if you’re authoring a rule based on the action or action type in employment update flows such as Change Assignment, Promote, Transfer, and so on.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • All employment flows

  • When and Why

Returns the related action reason code of the action reason being used in the rule.

Values are listed on the Action Reasons page on My Client Groups tab.

Note: Use this HcmParam if you’re authoring a rule based on the action or action type in employment update flows such as Change Assignment, Promote, Transfer, and so on.

Get string value from HCM Params String EMP_Groovy_ActionCode
  • All employment flows
  • When and Why

Returns the related action code used in the rule.

Note: Use this HcmParam if you’re authoring a rule based on the action or action type in employment update flows such as Change Assignment, Promote, Transfer, and so on.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • All employment flows

  • When and Why

  • Hire an Employee
  • Add Contingent Worker
  • Add Pending Worker
  • Add Nonworker

Returns the legislation code of the legal employer on the assignment, such as IN for India legislation.

Values are listed on Configure Legislation for Human Resources page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Query to get legislation code - select territory_code from fnd_territories_b order by territory_code

Note: For hire flows, this hcm param returns the legislation code. For global transfer, this hcm param returns the source legislation code.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • Add Assignment

  • Add Contingent Worker

  • Add Nonworker

  • Add Pending Worker

  • Create Work Relationship

  • Hire an employee

  • Promote

  • Transfer

  • Update Assignment

Returns the FTE value as a string type.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • All employment flows

  • When and Why

Returns the legal entity ID of the legal employer on the assignment, such as 202 for Vision Corporation.

Values are listed on the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Note: For global transfer, this hcm param returns the source legal entity ID.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • Cancel Work Relationship

  • Create Work Relationship

  • Manage Work Relationship

Returns the period type from the worker's work relationship. For example, E for employee.

Values are:

  • C - Contingent Worker

  • E - Employee

  • N - Nonworker

  • O - Offer Assignment

  • P - Pending Worker

Get string value from HCM Params



  • All employment flows

Returns the legislation code of the new legal employer on the assignment, such as US for United States.

Values are listed on Configure Legislation for Human Resources page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Query to get legislation code - select territory_code from fnd_territories_b order by territory_code

Note: For global transfer, this hcm param returns the target legislation code.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • All employment flows

  • Hire an Employee
  • Add Contingent Worker
  • Add Pending Worker
  • Add Nonworker

Returns the legal entity ID of the new legal employer on the assignment, such as 202 for Vision Corporation.

Values are listed on the Manage Legal Entity HCM Information page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Note: For hire flows, this hcm param returns the legal entity ID. For global transfer, this hcm param returns the target legal entity ID.

Get string value from HCM Params



V3 Actions

  • Terminate Employment
  • Resign from Employment

V2 Actions

  • Resignation
  • Termination

Indicates the current section in which you are operating for a flow. For the different sections, the HcmParam values are as follows:

  • When and Why - SkipValidations
  • Termination Info - TerminationInfo
  • Work Relationship Info - TerminationDetails
  • Assignment Info - AsgTerminationDetails
  • Additional Assignment Info - AdditionalAsgTerminationDetails
  • On Submit - Submit

Note: The last 4 values are applicable only for V3 Terminations. In addition, the value for Termination Info in V2 is TerminationDetails

Get string value from HCM Params String LegislationCode
  • Change Salary

Returns the legislation code of the legal employer on the assignment, such as IN for India legislation.

Values are listed on the Configure Legislation for Human Resources page in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Query to get legislation code - select territory_code from fnd_territories_b order by territory_code

Get string value from HCM Params



  • Compensation

  • Salary

Returns Y when My Team - Change Salary action is used.

Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • Compensation

  • Salary

Returns Y when My Client Groups - Change Salary action is used.

Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • Compensation

  • Salary

Returns Y when Salary History action is used.

Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM Params



Available only in payroll objects in these flows:
  • Add Assignment

  • Add Contingent Worker

  • Add Pending Worker

  • Create Work Relationship

Returns Y when a transaction created through the available actions stated, for example, Add Contingent Worker, and so on.

Valid values are Y or Null.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • Loading Salary

Returns Y for loading a Salary object using HCM Data Loader or HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader.

Valid values are Y, N, or Null.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • Loading Salary

Returns Y for loads using the Salaries REST resource.

Valid values are Y, N, or Null.

Get boolean value from HCM Params



  • All employment flow

Returns true for a responsive UI for employment actions.

Valid values are Y or N.

Get string value from HCM Params



  • All employment flows

Returns Y for an HCM Data Loader or HCM Spreadsheet Loader load for employment actions.

Valid values are Y or N.

Get date value from HCM Params




Returns the date for changes in person name, marital status, person address, visa and permits, and contact relationship in the person employee self-service mobile responsive UIs only.