How You Configure Partial Page Refresh

You need to configure the Partial Page Refresh property, a second UI property that needs to be set optionally. It applies only to Field Modification rule type when used for defaulting a value in the target field.

You don't need to set this property when using Field Modification rule type to show warnings. The Partial Page Refresh property is set to control the UI property of the target field and not the triggering field. If the target field doesn't show the value that you have configured in the Field Modification autocomplete rule, then you need to set this property. In some cases, this is already set, by default but for some others you need to manually configure it.

Here's how you set this property:

  1. Find the component ID for the triggering field.

    1. From the browser, select Developer Tools and the web inspector. This step varies depending on your browser.

    2. A source window that changes its value as you hover over various fields in the UI, displays when you're in the mode of inspecting web elements.

    3. If the triggering field is an application defined field, hover over but don't click, the triggering field of your autocomplete rule and from the source window, note down the component ID for the triggering field. This will usually be all values immediately following a double colon, past the first colon (if applicable) until a semicolon.

  2. If the target field component is an application defined field, then click the Settings icon to display the component editor.

    1. Enter the component ID of the triggering field in the Partial Page Refresh field. If there's already a value, enter it after a space following the previously entered value.

    2. Click Apply and Save.

  3. If the target field is a deployed flexfield, when still in the Structure menu of the Page Composer, first click the target field and then scroll up to find the nearest higher level component - panelFormLayout. Then click on it in the source window. You can now click the Settings icon to show the component editor.

    1. Enter the component ID of the triggering field In the Partial Page Refresh field. If there's already a value, enter it after a space following the previously entered value.

    2. Click Apply and Save. The entire UI panel will be refreshed when a value in the triggering field changes. Note that you can't change the Partial Page Refresh property on individual flexfields as you do with predefined application fields.