Overview of Talent Review Meeting

The Talent Review Meeting business object contains Talent Review meeting records based on the HRR_MEETINGS table.

You typically create autocomplete rules for the Talent Review Meeting business object to validate Talent Review meeting details. For example, you can create rules for these scenarios:

  • Allow only persons who are in predefined roles to create a Talent Review meeting.
  • Validate if the meeting date is before a certain predefined date.
  • Validate that the Talent Review meeting name is according to the organization's guidelines.
  • Validate the values entered in flexfields.
  • Validate that the Talent Review meeting is in Not Started status when it's created.
  • Validate that the selected business leader isn't a pending worker.

The rules you create for the Talent Review Meeting business object impact these responsive flows:

  • Add Talent Review Meeting
  • Edit Talent Review Meeting
  • Duplicate Talent Review Meeting