Person Profile Education: Exceptions and Adaptations

There are no exceptions for this business object. Not all fields that may be visible in the UI in the Education Region may be available for default and validation. The attributes available are listed above.

Keep these points in mind when creating rules for the Person Profile Education business object:

  • For all the rules, always add the condition to validate the person profile degree row, otherwise the same rule will get triggered for the Model Profile degree as well.

  • Add the condition on the attribute context if you want to trigger this rule for a specific person degree section.

  • Though all rule types are supported for this business object, we have only validated the Object Validation Rule based on the scope.

Here's a sample rule:

Name: Education_rule1 
Rule Type: Object Validation Rule Type
Business Object: Person Profile Education
Description: Check Year Acquired must have a value if Instructional Program <> blank and Education Level is <> 14, 16, 18, 20, or 22
Status: Active 
Rule Logic :
    profileRow = Get first row ( Person Profile Education.Get Profile)
    If ( 
   profileRow.Current row Is not null AND
   profileRow.Person ID Is not null AND
   Person Profile Education.Attribute Context Equal to "DEGREE_300100205258753"
Person Profile Education.Attribute 3 Is not null  AND
Person Profile Education.Education Level Does not match { 14|16|18|20|22 } AND
Person Profile Education.Year Acquired Is null 
       Show an error message : "You must enter a value for Year Acquired ."