Address Style and Address Validation Settings for the UK

Use the Features by Country or Territory task to control address style and level of address validation. The values you can set depend on the combination of the country or territory and the selected country extension.

Address Style

The address style you select determines which address attributes are available and maintained in the application. The combination of address style and address validation determines the level of validation.

Postal Address is the default address style.

  • Postal Address

    This address style provides the fundamental set of address attributes. In some cases, this style adds supplemental attributes. For some countries and territories, this address style might include general address attributes that aren't relevant, such as State or Postal Code.

  • Supplemental Taxation and Reporting Address

    Defined for country extensions, this address style can add validation or attribute changes in the application. For example, this style may add specific validation of postal codes, such as requiring a specific number of characters in a specific sequence.

Each country has a default address style and the choice of the country extension determines whether you can change the default address style. However, for the UK, don't modify the predefined address style.

Extension-Specific Validation

This table describes the style and validations available for addresses:


Style Enforced

Validation Enforced

Human Resources



Payroll Interface






Address Styles and Validation

The format in which addresses must be entered for workers is predefined. Hence, don't modify this during implementation. The predefined format enables these fields:

  • Country (required)

  • Address 1 (required)

  • Address 2

  • Address 3

  • City or Town (required)

  • County

  • Postal Code

The postal code is validated and must be in one of the predefined formats which is a combination of alphabets and numbers. In addition, these validations apply:

  • The letters Q, V, and X can't be used in the first position

  • The letters I, J, and Z can't be used in the second position

  • The only letters allowed in the third position are A, B ,C, D, E ,F, G, H, J, K, S, T, U, and W

  • The only letters allowed in the fourth position are A, B, E, H, M, N, P, R, V, W, X, and Y

  • The second half of the postal code is always in the format: Number, Alphabet, Alphabet. The letters C, I, K, M, O, and V aren't allowed.

Tip: You can use the Address Formats task to review and configure how addresses appear in the application.

Disable Address Validation

For some countries, the application prevents you from disabling the programmatic validation. For the UK, you can't disable the address validation.

Map Addresses

If you upload data using the HCM Data Loader (HDL), you need to map the address fields as shown here:

Address mapping while uploading data using HCM Data Loader

Field Table Co;umn Name
Address Line 1 ADDRESS_LINE1
Address Line 2 ADDRESS_LINE2
Address Line 3 ADDRESS_LINE3
City or Town TOWN_OR_CITY
County REGION_2