Manage Date Effective Entries

Events that are enabled for date effectivity can be back-dated or future-dated depending on their effective dates range. In HCM Atom feeds, future-dated events have the updated date attribute set to the effective start date. Effective start date is also available as the entry's content EffectiveDate attribute.

By default, no entries with updated date past the current date are returned. The entry appears in the feed when one of the following conditions is met:

  • Effective date is reached.
  • The updated-max parameter that's provided is past the effective date.
  • Either published-min or published-max parameter is used and entry's published date matches the given dates range.

This example shows an entry for an event that becomes effective on the following day.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>><link
href="https://host:port/hcmRestApi/atomservlet/employee/empupdate/EMP300100306609194 rel="edit"></link><id>atomservlet:empupdate:EMP300100306609194atomservlet:empupdate:EMP300100306609194</id><title type="text">DC_Hire_170707_205922,BAT1_1130_170707_205922's Basic Information Updated</title><updated>2017-07-08T04:11:15.000Z</updated><author><name>VMOSS</name></author><summary type="text">Person Details Updated</summary><published>2017-07-08T04:11:15.000Z</published><link href="https://host:port/hcmCoreApi/resources/" rel="related"></link><content type="text">{
"Context" : [ {
    "PrimaryPhoneNumber" : "",
    "PersonId" : "300100306593665",
    "PersonName" : "DC_Hire_170707_205922, BAT1_1130_170707_205922",
    "EffectiveStartDate" : "2017-07-09",
    "EffectiveDate" : "2017-07-09",
    "WorkerType" : "EMP",
    "PeriodType" : "E",
    "PersonNumber" : "960000001002791"
  } ],
  "Changed Attributes" : [ {
    "StartDate" : {
      "old" : "2017-07-07",
      "new" : "2017-07-09"
  } ]
}</content><source><id>atomserver:empupdate:feedatomserver:empupdate:feed</id><title type="text">Person Basic Information Changed</title><link href="https://host:port/hcmRestApi/atomservlet/employee/empupdate/EMP300100306609194" rel="self"></link><updated>2013-12-11T04:35:17.307Z</updated></source></entry>