Manage Allocated Checklists

You may need to assign checklists to workers for employment milestones such as onboarding, offboarding, transfer, or promotion. You may want to know the status, add another task, or delete the checklist that you assigned to the worker. You can use the allocatedChecklists resource to allocate checklists and manage the checklists assigned to a worker.

Let's discuss these scenarios:

  • Allocate a Checklist
  • Get the Status of an Allocated Checklist
  • Add a Task to an Allocated Checklist
  • Delete an Allocated Checklist

Here's a typical application processing flow for the scenarios:

  1. You configure checklists according to your organizational requirements.
  2. You query the checklist and identify the workers to whom the checklist needs to be allocated.
  3. When you allocate a checklist or make changes to an allocated checklist, the application makes a REST service call to Oracle HCM Cloud and returns appropriate data.

Allocate a Checklist

Let's say that Gretchen wants to allocate a new hire checklist to Jason on her team. She provides the checklist name, category, person number, and the date on which the checklist should be allocated.

To allocate a checklist:

  1. Query the checklist to be allocated by using the parameter checklistName.
  2. Perform the POST operation on the allocateChecklists resource by providing the parameters checklistName, checklistCategory, personNumber, and allocationDate in the request body.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.



Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

  "checklistName": "Hire Checklist Template",
  "checklistCategory": "ORA_ONB_ENT_ONBOARDING",
  "personNumber": "22838383",
  "allocationDate": "2018-01-01"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

    "AllocatedChecklistId": 300100125502999

Get the Status of an Allocated Checklist

After the checklist is allocated, let's see how Gretchen can get the status of the checklist by querying the worker.

To get the status of an allocated checklist:

  1. Query the worker by using a parameter such as person number (for example, /allocatedChecklists?q=PersonId=100100100011) and retrieve (GET) the collection URL.
  2. Verify the allocation details returned in the response.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.



Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

  "items": [
          "AllocatedChecklistId": 300100031447538,
          "AllocationDate": null,
          "ChecklistCategory": "ONBOARD",
          "ChecklistId": 300100013625538,
          "ChecklistInstance": "1",
          "ChecklistName": "Hire Checklist",
          "ChecklistStatus": "INI",
          "CompletedOn": null,
          "CompletionDate": null,
          "LegislationCode": null,
          "PersonId": 300100031448038,
          "PersonNumber": 432,
          "links": [4]
              0: {...

Add a Task to an Allocated Checklist

Now Gretchen wants to add a new task to the checklist that she allocated to Jason.

To add a new task to an allocated checklist:

  1. Query (GET) the allocated checklist and the task that you want to add to it by using any of the query parameters.
  2. Perform a POST operation on the allocatedChecklists resource, providing the task details in the request body.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.



Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

   "taskName" : "Submit benefits enrollment form",
   "description" : "Submit the benefits enrollment form for dependents and yourself",
   "targetStartDate" : "2018-12-17",
   "targetEndDate" : "2018-12-31",
   "status" : "INI",
   "actionType" : "ORA_CHK_MANUAL",
   "actionUrl" : "",
   "mandatoryFlag" : "Y"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

"AllocatedTaskId": 44949322222

Delete an Allocated Checklist

After the checklist is completed, Gretchen decides to delete the checklist that she allocated to Jason.

To remove a checklist allocated to a worker:

  1. Query the worker and by using the query parameter personNumber (for example, /allocatedChecklists?q=personNumber=100100100011) identify the checklist to be deleted.
  2. Perform a DELETE operation on the URL for the specific checklist. You don't need a payload for this operation.
  3. Verify that the allocated checklist is deleted for the worker in Oracle HCM Cloud UI.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.



Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

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