Manage Payroll Assignments

You can manage payroll related information for an assignment, such as element duration dates, overtime time, and so on, using the payrollAssignments resource. The element duration dates at the assignment level control the start and end date of earnings and deductions, such as salary, assigned to the employee's assignment.

Let's discuss these scenarios:

  • Retrieve Payroll Assignments
  • Update Time Card Required Status for Assignments
  • Update Final Close Date for Payroll Assignments

Retrieve Payroll Assignments

Let's say that Kelly Martin is on an assignment with Vision Corporation. She has been working overtime during the week and wants to know her overtime calculation details as per Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

To retrieve the overtime calculation details:

  1. Perform a GET operation on the payrollAssignments resource
  2. Verify the overtime calculation details returned in the response.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.



Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

         "RelationshipGroupId": 300100128211843,
         "AssignmentNumber": "E955160008189233",
         "EffectiveStartDate": "2019-02-20",
         "EffectiveEndDate": "4712-12-31",
         "TimeCardRequired": null,
         "OverridingPeriodId": null

Update Time Card Required Status

Priya Krishnan is on a temporary contract. She submits time cards and is on a weekly payroll. Effective 1-Mar-19, the company offers Priya a permanent employment. Under this new contract, she becomes a salaried employee and will be paid on a monthly basis. She needs to submit time cards.

Here's a graphic to help you understand the scenario.

Updating the time card required status.

To change the time card required status:

  1. Perform a POST operation on the assignedPayrolls resource by providing the new TimeCardRequired value in the request body.
  2. Verify the details returned in the response.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.



Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

    "TimeCardRequired": "N"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

    "AssignedPayrollId": 300100128211849,
    "PayrollId": 300100095492336,
    "StartDate": "2015-01-01",
    "EndDate": "4712-12-31",
    "TimeCardRequired": "N",
    "OverridingPeriodId": null,
    "EffectiveStartDate": "2019-02-20",
    "EffectiveEndDate": "4712-12-31",
    "Lsed": "2019-02-19"

Update Final Close Date

Let's say that Emily Thorn, who is on a weekly payroll with Vision Corporation, terminates her service with the company on 13-Feb-2019. The termination process automatically sets these process dates:
  • The last standard earnings date to 13-Feb-2019
  • The last standard process date to the end date of her weekly payroll, which is 15-Feb-2019.

However, Emily is still eligible to receive outstanding overtime and commission payments, which can be paid up to 6 months in arrears. To ensure that these payments are made to her, you can update the final close date on her assignment record to 31-Dec-2019.

Here's a graphic to help you understand the scenario.

Updating the final close date for a payroll assignment.

To update the final close date:

  1. Perform a PATCH operation on the payrollAssignmentDates resource by providing the new final close date in the request body.
  2. Verify the details returned in the response.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.



Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format.

      "DateValue": "2019-12-31"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

    "ShortName": "FINC",
    "DateValue": "2019-12-31",
    "PayDateId": 300100178285542