

To use this functionality, you've to set the REST-Framework-Version header to 2 or higher.

You can use the q parameter to query and filter a collection by comparing attribute values. Use these operators to compare an attribute value.

If you query on a child resource, it has no impact on the child objects that are expanded. For example, if you query on an assignment number for the workers resource, it returns the worker records matching the query criteria. But, expanding on the assignment not only returns the assignment that matches the query criteria, it also expands the whole assignments array.


Attribute Comparison


Equal to a value


Greater than a value


Less than a value


Greater than or equal to a value


Less than or equal to a value


Not equal to a value


In a list of values

is null

Value is null

is not null

Value is not null


Between two values


Compare string values


Used for and comparisons


Used for or comparisons


Used for comparisons that are case sensitive.


To get information on the structure of a resource, including which attributes are queryable and what finders are available, use the describe function. Here's an example for the workers resource.

GET /hcmRestApi/resources/

Verify the queryable property of the attributes in the describe response to identify which attributes can be queried.

In this example, the queryable property of the attributes PersonId and PersonNumber is set to true. Therefore, these attributes can be queried. The queryable property of the attribute CorrespondenceLanguage is set to false, so this attribute can't be queried. If you run a query on an attribute that can't be queried, the request fails and returns the 400 Bad Request status code in the response.
Describe Response for Workers Resource

Query Numeric Attributes

You can use operators to query numeric attributes and retrieve records that match the query criteria. Here are some examples.

GET /hcmRestApi/resources/
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/>1000
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ between 1000 and 1100
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ in (1053, 1200, 1300)
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ is not null

Query String Attributes

You can use operators to query string attributes and retrieve records that match the query criteria. Here are some examples.

GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ like '%Ki%'
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ not like '%Ki%'
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ is null
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ = 'KIM'
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ like 'KI%'

Query Date Attributes

You can use operators to query date attributes and retrieve records that match the query criteria. Here are some examples.

GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ > '1960-01-01'
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ between '1960-01-01' and '1960-01-10'

Query Child Resource Attributes

You can use the q query parameter to perform a subquery on the top-level resource. The query returns the top-level resource records with child or grandchild resource records that meet the query criteria.

In these examples, workRelationships and names are child resources of theworkers resource and assignments is the grandchild resource. The first example returns all the workers with work relationships that have assignments with the specified PositionIds. The second example returns all the workers whose first name contains the letters Ki.

GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ in (407, 67, 23)
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ like '%Ki%'

Query by Combining Criteria

You can use logical operators and and or to combine query criteria and retrieve records that match the criteria. Here are some examples.

GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ = 'M' AND citizenships.CitizenshipStatus = 'A') or (ethnicities.Ethnicity = '1')
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/ > '1960-01-01') and (workRelationships.assignments.PositionId in (13,18))

Query Using Finders

Finders are pre-defined queries associated with a resource. You can use finders to retrieve records that match the query criteria. You can also combine finders with query parameters to retrieve specific records. Here are some examples.

GET /hcmRestApi/resources/;AssignmentNumber=12345
GET /hcmRestApi/resources/;PersonId=1564072335