Retrieve All Payroll Time Types

You can use the REST API on the timeAttributeValues resource to get all values for a given time attribute.


This API is used to get the list of values of payroll time types that employees can report time entries against.

Example URL

The following is the format of the resource URL.



Example Response

The following is an example of the response body in JSON format.

The response to this request contains the IDs and display values for each payroll time type attribute used here in this example.

    "items": [
            "value": "ZOTL_Doubletime_NR",
            "displayValue": "ZOTL_Doubletime_NR",
            "links": [...]
            "value": "WFM_PAY_REGULAR_US",
            "displayValue": "WFM_PAY_REGULAR_US",
            "links": [...]
            "value": "ZOTL_Doubletime",
            "displayValue": "ZOTL_Doubletime",
            "links": [...]
            "value": "ZOTL_Shift_Premium2",
            "displayValue": "ZOTL_Shift_Premium2",
            "links": [...]
            "value": "UCx1_PAY_TL_Regular",
            "displayValue": "UCx1_PAY_TL_Regular",
            "links": [...]