Completion Summaries REST Endpoints

Learner Learning Records/Completion Summaries
The completionSummary resource is a child of the learnerLearningRecords resource. It provides completion summary for assignment records as a collection or a single assignment record when queried with Assignment Record Id. It provides completion requirement and completion progress of a course offering associated to assignment record. The completion summary includes details like passing score and actual score, expected number of activities and effort for completion and completion progress of course offering associated with an assignment record.
Get a completion summary
Method: get
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{learnerLearningRecordsUniqID}/child/completionSummary/{completionSummaryUniqID}
Get all completion summaries
Method: get
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{learnerLearningRecordsUniqID}/child/completionSummary