Person Notes REST Endpoints

Person Notes
The personNotes resource is used to view and create notes about a person. For example, you can include information such as feedback or kudos in the note.
Create a person note
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/
Decrement the reference count
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{personNotesUniqID}/action/decrementReferenceCount
Delete a person note
Method: delete
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{personNotesUniqID}
Find out if a user has the privilege to view a person's public notes
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/
Get a person note
Method: get
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{personNotesUniqID}
Get all person notes
Method: get
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/
Increment the reference count
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{personNotesUniqID}/action/incrementReferenceCount
Returns the context name
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{personNotesUniqID}/action/getContextName
Send a thank you note
Method: post
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{personNotesUniqID}/action/sendThankYou
Update a person note
Method: patch
Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{personNotesUniqID}