Predefined Approval Rules for Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources Tasks

Predefined approval rules exist for many Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources tasks. In most cases, approval by the first-level and second-level managers of the person who submits the transaction is required; however, you can create different approval rules for any task.

Predefined rules are delivered in both the Transaction Console and the BPM Worklist application. Use the Transaction Console to search for a transaction, and click that transaction to see the default rules. In the Transaction Console, on the Approval Rules tab, Transaction Manager: Rules page, use Find to search for a Process Name, and click Configure Rules to see the predefined approval rules.

For more information, see Oracle HCM Cloud Common Features Release 13 Transaction Console 2430452.1 on My Oracle Support at

Approval by First-Level and Second-Level Managers

For the following tasks, the predefined approval rules require approval by the transaction submitter's first-level and second-level managers. The attributes shown in the following table are enabled for use in customer-defined approval rules; the predefined approval rules don't use them.


Enabled Attributes

Transfer (Line Manager)

Action, Action Reason, Assignment Category, Business Unit, Department, Grade, Destination Legal Employer, Hourly Paid or Salaried, Job, Location, Position, Salary Amount, Salary Components, Worker Category, Working at Home

Promotion (Line Manager)

Action, Action Reason, Assignment Category, Business Unit, Department, Grade, Hourly Paid or Salaried, Job, Location, Position, Salary Amount, Salary Components, Worker Category, Working at Home

Change Manager

Action, Action Reason

Change Location

Action, Action Reason, Location

Change Working Hours

Action, Action Reason, Assignment Category, Hourly Paid or Salaried, Worker Category

Terminate Work Relationship

Termination Action, Termination Reason, Notification Date, Recommended for Rehire, Rehire Recommendation Reason, Termination Date

Hire an Employee

Hire Action, Hire Reason, Assignment Category, Business Unit, Citizenship Nationality, Citizenship To Date, Citizenship Status, Contract Type, Contract Duration, Department, Grade, Grade Ceiling Step, Grade Ladder, Grade Rate Value, Grade Step, Hourly Paid or Salaried, Job, Legislative Information (all attributes), Location, National ID Country, National ID Type, Notice Period, Passport Country, Passport Expiration Date, Passport Type, Payroll, Person Type, Position, Probation Period, Role Name, Salary Amount, Salary Basis, Salary Components, Visa or Permit Country, Visa or Permit Expiration Date, Visa or Permit Status, Visa or Permit Type, Worker Category, Working as a Manager, Working at Home, Working Hours, Working Hours Frequency

Add a Nonworker

Action, Action Reason, Assignment Category, Business Unit, Citizenship Nationality, Citizenship To Date, Citizenship Status, Contract Type, Contract Duration, Department, Grade, Grade Ceiling Step, Grade Ladder, Grade Rate Value, Grade Step, Hourly Paid or Salaried, Job, Legislative Information (all attributes), Location, National ID Country, National ID Type, Passport Country, Passport Expiration Date, Passport Type, Payroll, Person Type, Position, Role Name, Salary Amount, Salary Basis, Salary Components, Visa or Permit Country, Visa or Permit Expiration Date, Visa or Permit Status, Visa or Permit Type, Worker Category, Working as a Manager, Working at Home, Working Hours, Working Hours Frequency

Add a Contingent Worker

Placement Action, Placement Reason, Assignment Category, Business Unit, Citizenship Nationality, Citizenship To Date, Citizenship Status, Contract Type, Contract Duration, Department, Grade, Grade Ceiling Step, Grade Ladder, Grade Rate Value, Grade Step, Hourly Paid or Salaried, Job, Legislative Information (all attributes), Location, National ID Country, National ID Type, Passport Country, Passport Expiration Date, Passport Type, Payroll, Person Type, Position, Role Name, Salary Amount, Salary Basis, Salary Components, Visa or Permit Country, Visa or Permit Expiration Date, Visa or Permit Status, Visa or Permit Type, Worker Category, Working as a Manager, Working at Home, Working Hours, Working Hours Frequency

Add a Pending Worker

Action, Action Reason, Assignment Category, Business Unit, Citizenship Nationality, Citizenship To Date, Citizenship Status, Contract Type, Contract Duration, Department, Grade, Grade Ceiling Step, Grade Ladder, Grade Rate Value, Grade Step, Hourly Paid or Salaried, Job, Legislative Information (all attributes), Location, National ID Country, National ID Type, Notice Period, Passport Country, Passport Expiration Date, Passport Status, Passport Type, Person Type, Position, Probation Period, Role Name, Visa or Permit Country, Visa or Permit Expiration Date, Visa or Permit Status, Visa or Permit Type, Worker Category, Working as a Manager, Working at Home, Working Hours, Working Hours Frequency, Worker Type

Create Work Relationship (if redirected from an Add Person task)

Action, Action Reason, Assignment Category, Business Unit, Citizenship Nationality, Citizenship To Date, Citizenship Status, Contract Type, Contract Duration, Department, Grade, Grade Ceiling Step, Grade Ladder, Grade Rate Value, Grade Step, Hourly Paid or Salaried, Job, Legislative Information (all attributes), Location, National ID Country, National ID Type, Notice Period, Passport Country, Passport Expiration Date, Passport Status, Passport Type, Payroll, Person Type, Position, Probation Period, Role Name, Salary Amount, Salary Basis, Salary Components, Visa or Permit Country, Visa or Permit Expiration Date, Visa or Permit Status, Visa or Permit Type, Worker Category, Worker Type, Working as a Manager, Working at Home, Working Hours, Working Hours Frequency

Manage Work Schedule Assignment


Approval by First-Level Manager

For the following task, which includes creation, deletion, and editing of the relevant objects, approval by the transaction submitter's first-level manager is required. The attributes shown in the following table are enabled for use in customer-defined approval rules; the predefined approval rules do not use them.


Enabled Attributes

Manage Document Record

Document Category, Document Country, Document Type

Approval by Worker

For the Share Data Access and Share Personal Info tasks, approval by the worker whose information is shared is required if the task is performed by a manager or Human Resource Specialist.

No Predefined Approval Rules

For the following tasks, no predefined approval rules exist. However, the attributes shown in the following table are enabled for use in customer-defined approval rules.


Enabled Attributes

Change Address

Address (all attributes), Phone Number (all attributes)

Change Marital Status

Address (all attributes), Marital Status, Phone Number (all attributes)

Create Employment Terms

Action, Action Reason, Assignment Category, Business Unit, Contract Type, Contract Duration, Department, Grade, Grade Ceiling Step, Grade Ladder, Grade Rate Value, Grade Step, Hourly Paid or Salaried, Job, Location, Notice Period, Payroll, Position, Probation Period, Salary Amount, Salary Basis, Salary Components, Person Type, Worker Category, Working as a Manager, Working at Home, Working Hours, Working Hours Frequency


Action, Action Reason, Assignment Category, Business Unit, Contract Type, Contract Duration, Department, Grade, Grade Ceiling Step, Grade Ladder, Grade Rate Value, Grade Step, Hourly Paid or Salaried, Job, Location, Notice Period, Payroll, Position, Probation Period, Salary Amount, Salary Basis, Salary Components, Person Type, Worker Category, Working as a Manager, Working at Home, Working Hours, Working Hours Frequency

Manage Grades

Grade Code, Grade Name, Grade Status, Grade Step Name

Manage Grade Ladders

Grade Ladder Status, Grade Name, Step Rate Name, Step Rate Value

Manage Grade Rates

Grade Rate Name, Grade Rate Status, Grade Rate Type, Maximum Value, Midpoint Value, Minimum Value

Manage Jobs

Approval Level, Full Time or Part Time, Job Family, Job Function, Job Name, Management Level, Regular or Temporary, Status, Valid Grade

Manage Locations

Address (all attributes), Designated Receiver, Fax Number, Main Phone Number, Location Status, Ship-to-Site

Manage Organizations

Classification Code

Manage Person

All attributes of: Address, Citizenship, Communication Methods, Contact Relationship, Email, Ethnicity, Legislative Information, National ID, Passport, Person Name, Phone Number, Religion, Visa, Work Permit

Manage Positions

Bargaining Unit, Business Unit, Department, Entry Grade, Hiring Status, Job, Location, Regular or Temporary, Seasonal, Security Clearance, Valid Grades

For other Global Human Resources tasks such as Manage Checklist Templates, no predefined approval rules exist and no attributes are enabled for customer-defined approval rules. Transactions without approval rules or for which no approval task flows exist are approved automatically when approvals are enabled.