External Candidate - Enhanced Job Search

The Recruiting Assistant asks candidates about their interests such as job category, job function, or job location and provides suitable suggestions based on their responses. Candidates simply need to answer a few questions to explore jobs of their interest.

Candidates can also enter different synonyms while searching for job locations, job categories, or job functions, when the synonyms are configured by the administrator. For example, if they want to search for jobs in San Francisco, they can say “Search for jobs in SFO” or “Find jobs in Bay Area”, and so on.

Using the Recruiting Assistant, candidates get a seamless experience on the job search and can then finally apply to the job.

Intended user: External candidate

Sample phrases to use:
  • Find jobs
  • Find open positions
  • Job openings
  • Search for jobs in NY
  • Jobs
  • Find openings
  • Find job roles
  • Search for job opportunities
  • Open positions in Pleasanton, CA
  • Search for sales jobs

Sample synonyms/words: jobs, openings, opportunities, positions