Tax Withholdings & Year-End Documents

Employees can navigate to the application to view state and federal tax withholdings as well as their year-end tax documents.

Intended users: US employees only

Sample phrases you can use:

  • Show me my latest state W4
  • Where can I find my W4?
  • Where can I find my W2?
  • Show me my W2
  • What is my tax withholding?
  • View my tax documents
  • Show my year end document
  • Show me my filing status
  • Show me my wage and tax statement
  • I need the form for my 1040
  • Show me my latest state tax forms
  • Show me my residency certificate
  • Show me my exemptions
  • Where can I find my residence certificate?
Note: You can't view tax documents of your coworkers.

Sample synonyms/words: W2, W-2, W4, W-4, 1040, plus all state tax form codes, withholding, tax, tax forms, filing status, exemptions

Things to note: The digital assistant displays a generic response when it detects that you asked a question about your withholdings or year-end documents. The responses include deep links that take you to the Tax Withholding or Year-End Documents page within the application. You must sign in with your HCM Cloud user name and password to access these pages.