Team Performance Evaluations and Goals

View the status of one or all of your direct and matrix reports’ latest performance evaluations. Find out the status of employees’ performance goals and identify those who have no goals. Add performance goals for employees.

Intended user: Line manager

Team Performance Evaluations

Sample phrases you can use:

  • How can I find out who has not completed their performance reviews?
  • Has my team completed their appraisals?
  • Who has not started their performance reviews?
  • Who hasn't started self-evaluations for this review period?
  • Has Morris Beck started his self-evaluation?
  • I want to add goals for my team for next appraisal cycle
  • Can I add performance goals for my reports?
  • I need to add short-term objectives
  • How can I modify the appraisal goals?
  • Enter KPIs I would be evaluated on
  • Show me employees in team with no goals
  • Who in my team needs to be assigned goals?
  • View employees with no performance objectives
  • Have I missed entering perf goals for anyone in this review period?
  • Does Lucky Alison need new goals?
Sample synonyms/words: performance, perf, review, doc, appraisal, document, doc, midyear evaluation, eval, self-evaluation

Things to note: The digital assistant displays the status of the worker self-evaluation for the most current performance document created for an organization. ‘Current performance document’ means the one with a start date that's closest to today’s date, regardless of employee eligibility for that document.


Sample phrases you can use:

  • Who on my team doesn't have any goals for the current review period?
  • Does everyone in my team have goals?
  • Does anyone on my team have no goals?
  • Who on my team doesn't have any goals?
  • Which of my employees doesn't have any goals?
  • Do I need to assign performance goals to anyone in my team?
  • Who on my team has no goals for the current review period?
  • Can I manage performance goals?
  • I need to add short-term objectives
  • Add performance targets for my directs
  • I need to add objectives for this review period

Things to note: Status is displayed for employees with no goals in an active review period where the current date falls between the start and end date of the review period.